
Showing posts from 2016

Giving a Piece of My Mind on Signs and Lying Wonders in the Last Days!

It's very easy to say that I'm just "jealous" of Roman Catholics or any pseudo-Christian group because of their miracles. The Roman Catholics tend to brag about a lot of these miracles that happen like alleged apparitions or miracles involving their idols which they claim are just there to serve as reminders. The sad reality is that while the Bible does have apparitions and miracles in the Old Testament and the New Testament but not all of them are biblical. I don't deny that an angel appeared to Mary announcing Christ's birth or that Joshua saw the Lord Jesus Christ before His incarnation. But the problem is that are these miracles from God or just another sign and lying wonder? The Apostle Paul warns in Galatians 1:8: But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Did you read that? Let anyone who preach another gospel even if it were an angel from Heaven be acc

I'm Sickened at How Some Claim They're Christians But They Actually Support Homosexuality!

One huge problem today aside from the doctrine of conditional security is the doctrine of the carnal Christian. It's so frustrating whenever I hear quack preachers who say that one can get saved but never change. When I ask them to point it out from the Bible they do strawman attacks and personal attacks against me. I really want to throw a punch towards that person's face though I better not do so. The same goes for those who claim to be Christian but support homosexuality. From homosexual preacher Matthew Vines to many more "Christian" teachers who teach that homosexuality is A-OK is so sickening. If I can get sick by "Christians" who teach that you can get saved but remain in your homosexual lifestyles then the same can go for those who say homosexuality is A-OK in the New Testament. I don't see 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 or Romans 1:24-32 to even condone homosexuality. Go ahead and tell me that the Greek is "debatable" but let's see them a

Giving a Piece of My Mind on "Christian" Buddhism

I don't deny that Christianity and Buddhism do have some things in common like doing charity projects, not pursuing revenge, and helping one's enemies in need. The difference lies in the motives of doing good works. Buddhism is nothing more than centered on self-salvation while Christianity focuses on good works as a result of salvation. There is no real concept of grace in Buddhism while Christianity is all about man's helpless situation against sin and Jesus Christ is the deliverer. The problem today is the age of ecumenism and political correctness. The late John Paul II was a strong pioneer in ecumenism. He had various meetings with the Dalai Llama as the center of the Buddhist world. You might even call Dalai Llama as the Buddhist Pope. Former Pope Benedict XVI and the incumbent Pope Francis have been making stops at Buddhist temples seeking religious reconciliation and unity.  Some may even call Guan Yin as the Mother Mary of Buddhism. The statement isn't v

I'm Amazed at How Some Roman Catholic Apologists Put Their Own Profession to Shame

Here's a video by a Roman Catholic apologist who may be in the wrong doctrinally but he's definitely showing signs of maturity. Unfortunately, there's a huge problem with how some Roman Catholics are doing their work. Instead of taking time to be as professional as possible (ex. Mitch Pacwa's appearance in the John Ankerberg show) they resolve to Ad Hominem, Red Herring and Strawman attacks to make a point. I really got amazed when I saw some Roman Catholic apologists do scathing remarks towards their own comrades for such behavior. They're not saved but they certainly did their duty to maintain dignity at all times. Here's a short clip of Jesuit priest Mitchell Pacwa remains dignified in spite the fact he's on the losing side. Pacwa here shows a high level of maturity in this debate as well as many others to follow. But some Roman Catholic apologists may not be allowed to return next week due to their behavior. They think they've won when they&

I Can't Fully Trust My Feelings!

One of the most dangerous teachings of the New Age Movement as well as other occult movements aside from follow one's own heart because the heart is desperately wicked is that you can trust your feelings. I refuse to trust my feelings for the same reason why I refuse to trust my heart. Although I'm saved and sanctified but it's only by God's grace. My heart and my feelings aren't the ones that led me to a life away from sin but God's grace (1 Corinthians 6:11, Titus 2:11-14). To trust my feelings means to let go of proper thinking and to rely on the fickleness. To do what I feel is right is to be in contrast to God's Word. I don't want to do what I feel is right. I want to do what God feels is right. Letting people do what they feel is right is stupid for the reason that it leads to wanton destructiveness. While there's the freedom to do what one wants but there are also dos and don'ts. People can pursue any career they want but they must make

It's Not Easy to Keep My Cool in the Midst of False Accusations

It's very easy for me to say, "Where was God when Christians were killed for sins that they didn't commit?" It looks really awkward and I couldn't help but question God's justice. Many people today are so wicked but live very prosperous lives. It's not easy receiving false accusations left and right. Doing the L ORD's job may mean losing one's head like John the Baptist or living a long miserable life like Jeremiah. The prophets were never living glamorous lives. The apostles were never living glamorous lives. The Christian was never meant to live a glamorous life. Part of the warning is that false accusations will come and go. It's an annoying fact of life that a lie travels miles before the truth puts its boots on. Many false accusations and there's no evidence yet it's so easy to manufacture "evidence" usually based on hearsay. People today are so foolish to believe just everything they read from books or the Internet. I

Remembering Why I Used to Get Excited About Christmas as a Child

Considering that I didn't grow up in a Christian home where was okay for parents to lie to their children but not the other way around, I used to believe in Santa Claus. Every time somebody told me that Santa Claus wasn't real it really offended me. When a child gets told that Santa Claus isn't real by somebody else and they get offended it's most likely because their parents told them Santa Claus is real. I was lied to that Santa Claus was real. This also made me think that there's one thing Santa Claus is always associated with... it's all about "Joy to the world, the toys have come." A child's view of Christmas is all about, "When are the toys going to come?" That's what's in their head and I guess that's why the Santa Claus lie is so popular. Stupid parenting calls for parental lying to make their children "good" never mind it could get severe with the trust issues. Whenever Christmas is around the corner it&#

Reading the Vatican's Dirty History Made Me Feel Like Vomiting

Ever since I got out of Roman Catholicism and found out that there's no use trying to reform the Roman Catholic institution, I've read a lot of dirty secrets about the Vatican from some scholarly books like "The Foxe's Book of Martyrs" as well as the history of the Reformers. None of the horrible truths were surprising from finding the filth of what Martin Luther found in Rome to all the brutal massacres done by the Roman Catholic institution all in the name of Christ (John 16:2). What also didn't surprise me is the immoral history of the Popes. Although papal infallibility doesn't teach that the Pope is free from human error but only doctrinal error but there's one problem: how can the Pope be the official representative of Christ if a lot of Popes are living dirty lives? Just reading about their illegitimate children and some of them are even products of incest thereby producing freak children or the scandals of the clergy made me vomit. I w

I Love God-Centered Churches

The God-centered church is what I endorse and not the you-centered church or the self-centered church. The problem with people today is that they love the Jeremiah 5:31 type of churches. The priests rule by their means and prophets prophesy falsely. Today, we have pastors bearing rule by their means and a lot of self-proclaimed prophets. They easily cater to people and the God-centered churches aren't popular but so what? I'd rather be with the minority when they're right rather than with the majority when they're wrong (Matthew 7:13-14).  What do I love about the God-centered church? They focus on God and not on man. The Christian lives by the five Solas namely Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gracia, Sola Christus and Soli Deo Gloria or Scripture alone, faith alone, grace alone, in Christ alone and glory to God alone. It focuses on focusing on Scripture as the governing principle, focusing on that from salvation to sanctification is by faith alone and grace alon

This Song "The Most Wonderful Day of the Year" Makes Me Really Angry

The song "The Most Wonderful Day of the Year" makes me angry. You want to know why? Christmas is NOT the most wonderful day of the year. It's best to call it "The Most Horrible Day of the Year" or "The Most Hypocritical Day of the Year". It always makes me angry just thinking that Christmas is coming soon. So what's so stupid about Christmas? It's the time of the year to have a license to sin. Parents think they're okay lying about Santa Claus saying it's just a harmless white lie. People think that Christmas is the time when you can get away with doing wrong. People just think about materialism. No wonder the world sings "It's the most wonderful day of the year." What makes me upset is that they call it Christmas when they don't celebrate Christmas but Santa Claus, presents and parties. Every time that song is played on the radio I already feel like praying for fire to fall from Heaven to destroy the radio statio

I Say Amen to This Brave Pastor For Telling Children Santa Claus Isn't Real

I get upset whenever I confront adults about their habitual lying about Santa Claus. They keep telling me it's just a white lie. As a child who used to believe in Santa Claus, it's been very traumatizing to realize that parental lying is a very real thing and that my parents aren't the source of the truth. This pastor is telling it like it should be a godless parents are losing their screws.  I remembered the tagline in the 90s version of the film "Miracle on 34th Street" which said it's okay to lie as long as it makes a person happy. I'm sorry but truth needs to be told to them. A truth that will hurt and heal is better than a lie that will heal then kill. Parents are getting angry and calling him a bigot for telling the hard truth that there's no Santa Claus.  Let's face it... come Christmas morning and what are we going to tell children when they discover that there's no Santa Claus? No, it's not just a white lie or a fantasy ga

Why I Believe in the Importance of Sunday Evening Services

A pastor might say to the pulpit to where almost everyone used to be a Roman Catholic, "Folks, a lot of you grew up in a religion where the message for the Sunday morning service will be the same message for the Sunday afternoon or evening service. But let me tell you this: this is not a Roman Catholic mass. We're here to have two different services with two different messages." At first, even I thought it was absurd. Not all the Baptist and Evangelical churches I know have Sunday evening services. But the more I started to love attending Sunday evening services, the more I realize that having Sunday evening services is beneficial to the Christian. Although I don't see much of a direct commandment from the Bible but it's neither condemned in the Bible. With sound teachers getting into the joys and wonders of expository preaching the more I see why Sunday evening (and maybe Wednesday services) are becoming more necessary. Remember that John Calvin started the

This Picture Shows How I Feel Towards Those Who Misquote the Bible

Scripture taken out of context drives me dizzy. It just gets worse and worse when these people who misquote the Scripture still won't refuse to understand the Scriptures in context even when it's presented in context. Why they reject Sola Scriptura is simple: they want to keep their own tradition while they woefully misquote Mark 7:8-9 to justify their unscriptural practices and doctrines such as praying to Mary, adding works to maintaining salvation, Antinomianism or rejecting the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. It's hard for me to keep my cool when the Scripture is taken out of context. The reason is because so many people are too lazy to study Scripture that false teachers easily deceive them. Worse, many of them still want to insist in their out of context interpretation rather than in-context interpretation. I really need God's grace to maintain self-control while fulfilling the duty of correcting false teachers. 

Giving a Piece of My Mind on the Doctrine That Mary Was Born Sinless

Two days ago, it was the Roman Catholic feast of the Immaculate Conception. To be immaculately conceived means to be born without sin. The very idea that Mary was born without sin isn't anywhere in the Bible. Roman Catholics can argue something that why is Jesus sinless if Mary is a sinner? Some claim that although Mary was born of sinful parents but God had predetermined she will be exempted from it. But that raises the dilemma because in 1 Corinthians 5:21, Jesus is the one who's said to be born without sin and to become a sin offering for the people. It's time to consider the reality of Mary as a sinner. Some (not all) Roman Catholics say that if you teach that doctrine then you hate Mary. No, I don't hate Mary and I uphold the biblical truth that she's a sinner. Go ahead and shout whatever accusations you want but you can't deny that Mary is a sinner saved by grace. In Luke 1:47 she admitted she needed a Savior. In Luke 2:24 she gave a sin offering. I

I'm Still Not Convinced at The "Evidence" for Evolution

Whether the evolutionist is a theist or an atheist the problem is that the fossil record is not a record for evolution. I'm amazed at how the evolutionist regardless of his or her religious views would use the fossil record to "prove" evolution. What's even more stupid is these people try to do something as to say that the single piece of fossil is proof of evolution just because they said so. Just think of how these "links" are supposedly established by a skull, a jawbone or just any piece of fossil as evidence isn't even scientific. No, there's nothing scientific about it when the person plays the game of false dilemma by saying something like, "If you don't believe me then you're not scientific." That's not scientific at all. So much for saying that evolution is a scientific theory. No, it's not even a scientific theory but just a stupid list of speculations by people who profess themselves to be wise but becam

I Find It So Vexing That Atheists Claim That Nature Has No Intelligent Design!

Here's a cartoon that really tells me why I find arguing with atheists so vexing. I really want to say to them, "Look! I already gathered all the evidence for design! You see it everywhere that everything has a designer and yet you refuse to believe that nature has a designer? Here's all the evidence and what do you want me to do before you believe?" It's so vexing because nature shows everything has a Designer yet the atheist still insist that it happened by accident. Then when all the evidences goes against them, it's time to ask, "Look, you already see all the evidence that there's a God why do still insist He doesn't exist." Then it's time for them to contradict themselves when they admit their hatred for God. They may say, "I hate God because He's taking away everything from me!" And the Bible gives us the reason why they refuse to believe in God: Romans 1:28-32  And even as they did not like to retain God

Why I Believe That the Image of the Catholic "Jesus" Will Make It Easy For the Antichrist to Take Over

It's very easy to imagine the Antichrist as a person who's really nasty and cruel. What many fail to see is how the Antichrist would appeal to the world not by obvious wickedness but by feigned kindness. I remembered reading Arthur W. Pink's essay "Another Gospel" which warns about the so-called brotherhood of man and this "heal the world" message will just be bogus. I would like to talk about another matter on why I believe that the image of the Roman Catholic "Jesus" will make it easy to take over. Besides, doesn't Revelation 13:15 warn that the False Prophet will set up an image of the Beast that will seem to be alive to deceive the world? Here's what the late mystic Faustina Kowalska was told to do: 1.) Reminding the world of the truth of our faith revealed in the Holy Scripture about the merciful love of God toward every human being.  2.) Entreating God's mercy for the whole world and particularly for sinners, among

I'm Getting Dizzy at All The False Rapture Dates!

I remembered the false Rapture dates namely some said that it would happen on the year 2000. Then twelve years later and not having learned from quack predictions the Rapture was supposed to end on 2012. Three dates were May 21, October 21 and December 21 were assigned last 2012. I find it stupid for this reason. Jesus Himself said: Matthew 24:26 - "But of that day and hour knoweth no man , no, not the angels of heaven, but My Father only ." Did you read that? No man knows when the Rapture will be. Also, the apostles were also told: Acts 1:8 - "And He said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons , which the Father hath put in His own power." Jesus already said it Himself so why are people still defying what He said about knowing the times and dates? It's amazing but not all too surprising with how people today want to outsmart Jesus who is God the Son. Setting up Rapture dates is really challenging Jesus' authority and world.

I'm Amazed at How Roman Catholic Fanatics Tend to Hate Islam While They Love Pope Francis!

I don't buy it for a second that the Roman Catholic institution never has its differences. Even some Roman Catholics admit that there's some division within what they consider as the One True Church. Some are even honest enough to admit that Paul gave brotherly correction to Peter even if they believe that the latter was the first Pope. But let's talk about Roman Catholic fanatics who still continue to insist that there's no salvation about the Roman Catholic faith (something later Popes renounced and said anybody can enter Heaven if they're good enough) and they show their hatred for Islam to the point they compare it to Protestantism. Amazing isn't it? They hate Islam while they love Pope Francis who embraces Muslims as family. They fly their flags that Pope Francis is the rightful successor of Peter all the while they contradict themselves by disagreeing with the Pope in many areas. They have already disagreed with the Pope on the issue of Evangel

I Find It Funny Jeremiah 10:3-5 Gets Misinterpreted as Christmas Trees

I always find it funny when people take verses out of context. Worse, what if these verses were taken straight out of context from the King James Version ? Some of you may find me "extreme" because I'm a King James Only-ist. Sorry but I still think pastors should stop using the NIV, NASV, ESV, etc. because they're corrupt. I still want to talk one on one with pastors who also use other versions and convince them why they should use the KJV only. Now let's talk about the issue of Christmas trees and why Jeremiah 10:3-5 can't be Christmas trees. Let's talk about the context of Jeremiah 10:3-5: For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for th

I'm Disgusted to Learn That Ellen Degeneres Got the Presidential Medal of Freedom!

One good reason why America is even in worse shape is no thanks to Barack H. Obama's vile policies. I'm getting tired of these people calling themselves as liberals because Isaiah 32:5 warns that no longer shall the vile be called a liberal. The term liberal is now so misuse and abused as love and many other words no thanks to a culture that demands you to be politically correct than biblically correct. A few good examples is how Pontius Pilate knew that by Roman law he can't execute an innocent man but he gave in to the angry mob or how Herod Antipas decided to behead John the Baptist out of a rash vow. Giving Ellen Degeneres the Presidential Medal of Freedom is no different either. Somehow, it's better to call her Ellen DEGENERATE because there's nothing regenerate with what she did.  I don't care if people say it's perfectly legal. No, what's legal is not necessarily ethical. Mistreatment of one's slaves was legal but it wasn't right.

It's the First of December and I'm Getting My Urge to Lose My Temper Already!

It's December and it means Christmas is just 24 days away. Nothing's really more annoying for me than the Christmas season aside from Holy Week as both are the most hypocritical times of the year. The first day of December means I'm tempted to get temperamental. Year after year, year after year... I always feel that Christmas is definitely not the most wonderful day of the year. I'm getting tired of all the worldly Christmas songs being sung saying that Christmas is the most wonderful day of the year. That same old song makes me say, "YEAH RIGHT! SURE!" I'm always getting angry whenever I hear that song. It's righteous anger because I've had enough of that stupid worldly lie! Not the most wonderful day of the year! What's with December that makes me temperamental? Talk about driving all the way to do something important like one's morning or evening job but you're stuck in so much traffic no thanks to inconsiderate drivers and

I Tend to Panic a Lot Whenever Christmas is Coming Any Time Soon!

It's no secret that I actually hate the Christmas season. I don't get excited about Christmas coming any time soon compared to the celebration of the Reformation. Is it because of some alleged pagan influences and because the great Charles H. Spurgeon as well as other Puritans condemned it? No. My stand is not based on the Puritans. I don't condemn anyone who thinks about having Christmas celebrations to commemorate the Birth of Christ but take note of this fact:  Jesus was not born on December 25 . Jesus' date of birth is not even recorded in history and Christmas was once celebrated on January 6 by Pope Julius I. Again, more popery and deceit involved isn't it? I could talk about the stupidity of the Christmas season maybe it's best called XMas season. Christmas is probably the most hypocritical time of the year aside from the 40 day Lenten season. It's very easy to put a good boy/good girl face during Christmas but we ought to do what's right for

I Get Frustrated Whenever Sinful Men Try to Decide on What is "Truth"

It's annoying to say that it doesn't matter what your belief system is as long as your principles matter. But here's a question I'd like to throw on their faces, "Where's your basis for your principles?" I would agree some atheists are morally good but what's the basis of their morality? If truth is relative and we must have complete tolerance then why get mad when somebody's point of view disagrees with yours? We have homosexuals who demand for complete tolerance but they get mad when a person refuses to bake a cake. Homosexual bakers even have the right to deny a Christian couple their cake but the reverse isn't allowed. Where's the complete tolerance? Here's the problem with sinful man. Sinful man wants to decide on the "truth". 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 warns of this very powerful truth about sinful man: "And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of t

Giving a Piece of My Mind on Roman Catholicism's Misapplication and Misinterpretation of the Greek in Acts 9:31

Studying the Greek and what it stands for is absolutely important. What I found out is that Roman Catholic apologists may either nicely point out or rudely point out that the word "kath holEs" appears in the Greek text which is translated as "done whole" and the words "eklEsiai" which means "called out". The word eklesia where we get the word "Iglesia" means church or called out assembly. In due fairness, they're right that the word "kath holEs" is found in the Greek but I'd like to point out what's wrong with the argument. Let's tackle on what the word "Catholic" means. Older versions of the Apostle's Creed (which was named as such to summarize the beliefs of the apostles but not written by the apostles themselves) called the church "Catholic". Catholic is simply a synonym for universal yet the early believers in Jesus Christ were not called Catholics but CHRISTIANS in Antioch (Act