I'm Sickened at How Some Claim They're Christians But They Actually Support Homosexuality!

One huge problem today aside from the doctrine of conditional security is the doctrine of the carnal Christian. It's so frustrating whenever I hear quack preachers who say that one can get saved but never change. When I ask them to point it out from the Bible they do strawman attacks and personal attacks against me. I really want to throw a punch towards that person's face though I better not do so. The same goes for those who claim to be Christian but support homosexuality.

From homosexual preacher Matthew Vines to many more "Christian" teachers who teach that homosexuality is A-OK is so sickening. If I can get sick by "Christians" who teach that you can get saved but remain in your homosexual lifestyles then the same can go for those who say homosexuality is A-OK in the New Testament. I don't see 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 or Romans 1:24-32 to even condone homosexuality. Go ahead and tell me that the Greek is "debatable" but let's see them argue with God. While Christians may eat bacon and shrimp but they are never given the permission to commit sexual sins.

Some of them tell me it's just Old Testament. Listen, while the ceremonial law is gone and the Old Testament priesthood is gone doesn't mean the moral law has changed. If the Old Testament were completely "obsolete" then they should get rid of the right to a just and fair trial, punishing false witnesses, incest laws, laws against human sacrifice or everything repugnant that was condemned in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. The New Testament may have abolished the ceremonial law but the moral law still remains nonetheless.

My message for "Christians" who tell me I should stop offending their homosexual friends with the truth that homosexuality is wrong then let me tell them this important statement. I really doubt their salvation in several levels. If you're saved your life ought to be different and not one that remains in sinful living. There's no such thing as a Christian who's enslaved by sin. Sure, there's the struggle against sin but not an enslavement to it. Christians may not be perfect but they're certainly not living like the rest of the world.