I Can't Fully Trust My Feelings!

One of the most dangerous teachings of the New Age Movement as well as other occult movements aside from follow one's own heart because the heart is desperately wicked is that you can trust your feelings. I refuse to trust my feelings for the same reason why I refuse to trust my heart. Although I'm saved and sanctified but it's only by God's grace. My heart and my feelings aren't the ones that led me to a life away from sin but God's grace (1 Corinthians 6:11, Titus 2:11-14).

To trust my feelings means to let go of proper thinking and to rely on the fickleness. To do what I feel is right is to be in contrast to God's Word. I don't want to do what I feel is right. I want to do what God feels is right. Letting people do what they feel is right is stupid for the reason that it leads to wanton destructiveness. While there's the freedom to do what one wants but there are also dos and don'ts. People can pursue any career they want but they must make sure they pursue a godly and productive career. When there's freedom there's also personal duties to comply.

My guarantee starts with the Word of God. Another reason why many don't want Sola Scriptura is because it goes against their feelings. I start with the Word of God as the very standard where I can have my guarantee and security. I may sometimes fall into doubt, I have my right to doubt but there's always the guarantee from God's Word. This is where everything starts. I go to gather knowledge but I also make sure that I'm fully rooted on God's Word!