Reading the Vatican's Dirty History Made Me Feel Like Vomiting

Ever since I got out of Roman Catholicism and found out that there's no use trying to reform the Roman Catholic institution, I've read a lot of dirty secrets about the Vatican from some scholarly books like "The Foxe's Book of Martyrs" as well as the history of the Reformers. None of the horrible truths were surprising from finding the filth of what Martin Luther found in Rome to all the brutal massacres done by the Roman Catholic institution all in the name of Christ (John 16:2).

What also didn't surprise me is the immoral history of the Popes. Although papal infallibility doesn't teach that the Pope is free from human error but only doctrinal error but there's one problem: how can the Pope be the official representative of Christ if a lot of Popes are living dirty lives? Just reading about their illegitimate children and some of them are even products of incest thereby producing freak children or the scandals of the clergy made me vomit. I wasn't surprised but it still made me vomit because the truth was just so disgusting. I'm glad that none of the books I read had pictures or I might actually have vomited for real. But I still felt like puking imagining how much blood was spilled and how cruel the people running the Inquisition has been.

Another account that made me vomit is the history of the Inquisition and all the brutal methods. A lot of them were so brutal that I wish not to describe them in detail yet the truth must be told. These torture methods made me cringe. Just reading one method after the other made me feel that not even half of the truth was told by the late John Paul II. What even angers me more is that some Roman Catholic apologists are now telling people that it was just a myth. I even ask myself only God knows how long I can take it. What's worse is that many people who I thought are Evangelicals or who I used to look up to like Billy Graham, Rick Warren, Contemporary Christian Music artists and Donald James Moen among a few were supporting Roman Catholicism. Have they decided to forget that Roman Catholics and born again Christians (if they ever are) cannot walk together (Amos 3:3)?

There's always one beautiful comfort that I can take from the Word of God even if the outcome will be bittersweet. It won't be long before the Great Whore of Revelation will be judged but right now, the Lord Jesus is still calling His Elect out of Babylon (Revelation 18:4-5). He's still patiently waiting and time will come when judgment will finally destroy her.