I Tend to Panic a Lot Whenever Christmas is Coming Any Time Soon!

It's no secret that I actually hate the Christmas season. I don't get excited about Christmas coming any time soon compared to the celebration of the Reformation. Is it because of some alleged pagan influences and because the great Charles H. Spurgeon as well as other Puritans condemned it? No. My stand is not based on the Puritans. I don't condemn anyone who thinks about having Christmas celebrations to commemorate the Birth of Christ but take note of this fact: Jesus was not born on December 25. Jesus' date of birth is not even recorded in history and Christmas was once celebrated on January 6 by Pope Julius I. Again, more popery and deceit involved isn't it?

I could talk about the stupidity of the Christmas season maybe it's best called XMas season. Christmas is probably the most hypocritical time of the year aside from the 40 day Lenten season. It's very easy to put a good boy/good girl face during Christmas but we ought to do what's right for the whole year round. Many try to "reconcile" with me and they just get mean again when Christmas or Lent is over. Some people even use Christmas as an excuse to get away with whatever wrong they do. It really makes me want to tear my hair off. I guess Christmas season is one of the world's favorite seasons not only because it's the best time of the year to be materialistic but also because people want to have the license to sin. Many people tend to do a lot more wrong during the Christmas season and they ask authorities to let it slide all because it's Christmas. People who think that they should get away with doing wrong during the Christmas season are already implying that Jesus was born so we can be free to sin but the Bible says in Matthew 1:21 that He was born to save His people from their sins.

There's also the problem of parents lying to their children about Santa Claus. I used to believe Santa Claus existed and whenever I think about it I get angry just thinking why I even passed through that stage. I could care less about the Santa/Satan letters because lived and devil have the same letters but both words mean differently. The problem is that parents say nothing is wrong about lying to their children about Santa Claus. It's parenting double standard where it's okay for parents to lie to their children. No, lying about Santa Claus is not a white lie. I always get into trouble whenever I raise it up because for parents it's just a white lie. The problem is that children trust their parents not to lie to them. For the little child the parent is their primary source of truth. Lying to one's child about Santa Claus is already and effectively teaching the child to lie. They know there is no Santa Claus but they continue to tell their children there is a Santa Claus. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." I don't see Santa Claus fitting in the Proverbs 22:6 program at all!

On the other hand, here's one thing that Christmas can be used for. Get rid of the lie about the non-existent Santa Claus, get rid of all the stupid customs. Instead, there's still the message of why Christ had to be born into the world as a man. It's because you and me can't live that perfect life and only He could. The Incarnation of Christ was absolutely necessary as Isaiah 7:14 calls for the virgin birth. Genesis 3:15 says that the Seed of a woman will crush the head of the serpent. Although the birthy didn't happen on December 25 but it's certainly another opportunity to preach the Gospel. While I personally think that nothing's wrong with having Christmas parties or receiving the year end bonus or eating Christmas foods but let's not get distressed at the evils of the Christmas season but rather rejoice that Jesus came to save His people from their sins.