I'm Getting Dizzy at All The False Rapture Dates!

I remembered the false Rapture dates namely some said that it would happen on the year 2000. Then twelve years later and not having learned from quack predictions the Rapture was supposed to end on 2012. Three dates were May 21, October 21 and December 21 were assigned last 2012. I find it stupid for this reason. Jesus Himself said:
Matthew 24:26 - "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but My Father only."

Did you read that? No man knows when the Rapture will be. Also, the apostles were also told:
Acts 1:8 - "And He said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power."

Jesus already said it Himself so why are people still defying what He said about knowing the times and dates? It's amazing but not all too surprising with how people today want to outsmart Jesus who is God the Son. Setting up Rapture dates is really challenging Jesus' authority and world. I don't dare to pretend to have all the answers because Jesus Himself said no man may know.