I Love God-Centered Churches

The God-centered church is what I endorse and not the you-centered church or the self-centered church. The problem with people today is that they love the Jeremiah 5:31 type of churches. The priests rule by their means and prophets prophesy falsely. Today, we have pastors bearing rule by their means and a lot of self-proclaimed prophets. They easily cater to people and the God-centered churches aren't popular but so what? I'd rather be with the minority when they're right rather than with the majority when they're wrong (Matthew 7:13-14). 

What do I love about the God-centered church? They focus on God and not on man. The Christian lives by the five Solas namely Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gracia, Sola Christus and Soli Deo Gloria or Scripture alone, faith alone, grace alone, in Christ alone and glory to God alone. It focuses on focusing on Scripture as the governing principle, focusing on that from salvation to sanctification is by faith alone and grace alone, that the way to the Father is by Christ alone and all glory must be to God alone. All these are antagonized by the self-centered churches that especially abhor expository preaching. Why they abhor expository preaching is because it reveals all the lies that builds up the faulty foundations of a self-centered church.

The problem of the self-centered church is that it takes Scripture out of context. Out of context preaching drives me dizzy so why should I go to a self-centered church that only pleases my flesh but grieves the Spirit? I don't want to please my flesh so I go to a God-centered church where they don't care if they offend people as long as they're right. Problem is that we have people who would rather be wrong as long as the majority is with them rather than be right even when the majority is not with them. They tend to think that as long as most people are doing it then it must be right. Sad to say but Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14 that many enter into destruction and only a few people ever enter into eternal life. I may feel good for awhile in the self-centered church but I won't feel good for long because the Holy Spirit is grieved.

Right now, I know the choices for moral decisions are dictated by the Bible. If it violates Biblical principles then I know that's not the place for me. I'm sorry but I don't want to serve the gods that other people are serving. I want to be like Joshua who chose to serve the LORD (Joshua 24:15).