
Showing posts from July, 2016

Why I Don't Buy the Garbage of People Who Say They Are "Homosexual, Proud and Christian" Even for a Nanosecond!

As I watched this video by Bro. Jeff Swayzee, I have every reason to believe that the homosexual claiming to be a Christian is not a Christian. Bro. Swayzee exposes the false conversion with the man's taking of Scriptures straight out of context. The New Testament still condemns homosexuality as 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 declares homosexuals are also part of the list of those who can't inherit God's Kingdom and the lifestyle of an unsaved person. Romans 1:26-27 shows how homosexuality is a result of one's sinful nature. In short, homosexuality remains as a sin and will always be a sin. With the emergence of "Easy Christianity" churches or better called Antinomian churches, I don't want to buy even for a nanosecond that they're my brothers and sisters in Christ. My reasons for that is because it's just utterly stupid. Every time I read my Bible, I don't see anything that suggests that one can get saved and never change. Yet there are people who

I Believe in Continuing the Reformation Movement Daily

Tomorrow is July 31 which happens to be the feast day (and death anniversary) of Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuit Order. Both Ignatius of Loyola and John Calvin once went to the University of Paris together. While they used to be schoolmates but the two became opponents throughout their lives. Loyola founded the Jesuits as part of the Counter-Reformation and Calvin continued the Reformation. Some may say that Calvin was the one who introduced Reformation Theology which is also called Calvinism. Reformed Theologians would later be founders of schools, universities, hymn writers and the Puritans (a group of Reformed thinkers) to rival the Jesuit institutions also became responsible for the translation of what's commonly known as the King James Bible.  My key verse for continuing the Reformation is Romans 12:1-3 which says: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is y

I Want to Puke Whenever I Hear Antinomian Preachers Who Don't Preach Salvation From Sin!

I just feel like I want to vomit at quack preachers who don't preach the essential doctrine of salvation from sin. The works salvation crowd makes me dizzy with them quoting Scriptures out of context. The same goes for those who teach the Antinomian doctrine of salvation. They misquote verses like Ephesians 2:8-9 or Romans 4:5 to justify their heresy. They may not always directly tell you they promote a license to sin. But the whole idea that a person can be saved and remain the same is already a license to sin. It means that there's no real confrontation about sin and the need for forgiveness and deliverance from sin. Matthew 1:21 makes the Gospel clear that Jesus came to save people from their sins not in their sins. The Gospel was always a call for sinners to repent of their sins. When people get saved, one can see that the power of sin is broken down. Romans 3:31 says that the Law isn't made void by faith but it's established by faith. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 show

Giving a Piece of My Mind on "Claimed Visions" By Die-Hard Roman Catholics

While I'm aware that there are satanic visions going on as 2 Thessalonians 2:9 shows all the signs and lying wonders, I must remember that anybody can just claim that they've seen a vision. Sometimes, people can make up stories that they've seen signs and visions even before Satan or his demons will step in to perform one. I'd like to give a piece of my mind on those "claims and visions" made by some die hard Roman Catholics I remembered during the time Manny Pacquiao lost against Juan Manuel Marquez. some priest made a childish comment about Pacquiao's loss. Some Roman Catholics claimed that there was this so-called vision of Mary the earthly mother of Jesus. According to them, the vision told them why Pacquiao lost and why Marquez won. During the time of the loss, a Roman Catholic apologist claimed that she received a vision that Mary told her Pacquiao list the match for becoming a born again Christian. The other part of this "supposed revelati

I'm Learning More About Scriptures from the Bible Expositors

Way back, I really didn't think too much about the expositors, I used to think Reformation or Reformed Theology added "works" to salvation. But after checking out sites like Grace To You and Ligonier Ministries or listening to more of Paul Washer's sermons, I realized that a lot of stuff were taken out of context. I can't remember any time when any of the Bible Expositors were adding works to salvation or saying you could lose your salvation. Instead, they warned about the possibilities of false conversion like when a person claims to be saved but evidence says otherwise. So what's the difference with learning from the expositors? I'm now more focused on the Bible than unproven speculations. It's time to stop getting one's sources from publications or ministries that have the tendency to misrepresent certain people as criminals or murderers when they aren't. James White at Alpha and Omega Ministries has shown more professionalism in focusi

Giving a Piece of My Mind About "Free Speech" and "Hate Speech"

Many words today are so often abused. Words like love, hate and freedom are but a few words that's frequently used out of context. I'd like to talk about "free speech" to how it's often misused and abused by "liberals" today who are just a group of vile people (Isaiah 32:5).  Here's a good example of how hypocritical the "liberals" are today. Based on this clip, they're already accusing Douglas Wilson a Presbyterian pastor who had spoken in Indiana University. Although this is at least four years ago, I still want to remind those "free speech" people of their wickedness. They have accused Wilson of "hate speech" because he goes against sinful practices the world considers as "normal". Christianity has been so full of biased attackers like feminists think Christians are anti-women's rights, homosexuals think Christianity's anti-homosexuality stand is equal to how Muslim extremists have it and

I'm Not Surprised That Homosexuals Parade Their Sins Like Sodom

This picture of homosexuals and those who support their abomination tells me one thing. People are getting bolder and bolder to proclaim their sins. One of them even think that Hell is fabulous. Sorry, Hell is not fabulous. That's where all those unrepentant and unsaved sinners will go. People's love for sin is why so many don't want the Gospel according to Jesus.  Doesn't 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 declare this wonderful and frightening truth? The unrighteous are not fit to inherit the Kingdom of God. Yet verse 11 declares the wonderful truth of deliverance from sin. Many want to stay in their homosexual lifestyles. If a false gospel of antinomianism gets to them they'll accept it. But if it's the Gospel that convicts sin they wouldn't buy it. Many of them continue in the same wayward path.

I Believe That Sola Parochus (Pastor Alone) and the Prosperity Gospel Creates a Deadly Combination

When people don't read the Bible then they don't discern what they hear. As if the Pope living in Rome isn't enough, there's also pastors who more or less imitate the Pope's cloak of deception by making people have the mentality that when the pastor says it then it must be true. Bro. Gerry Soliman of Solutions Finder Apologetics wrote an entry called Spoofing the Catholic Clips.  Here's something meaningful you could take into context: Yes folks, the maze is like professional wresting entertainment: the result is already predetermined. While there is no explanation or discussion in the clip as to why the Catholic Bishops have apostolic succession, the clip makes that claim simply because the artists say so. And thus, we have exposed their bias.  How would they feel if we present that the Catholic Bishops lead to Satan while Protestant Ministers lead to Christ simply because we said so? While Bro. Soliman was attacking the fallacies of the Catholic Cl

I'm Just Amazed at How Some Roman Catholic Apologists Are Just a Group of Cowardly Hecklers!

One of the many reasons why I choose to avoid debate with Roman Catholic apologists is not only because the Bible says so (2 Timothy 2:16) but also because of other reasons. There's the saying in the Bible in Proverbs 26:3-5 to never answer a fool according to their folly. Titus 3:10 says that once you've warned a person once or twice then leave. That has been my experience with Roman Catholic apologists. Based on my experience, some of them are really indeed unprofessional, rude and crude and it's best not to stoop down to their level of stupidity.  As far as I've experienced, I've had a lot of headaches arguing with Roman Catholic apologists not only because they take the Scriptures straight out of context but also because of their lack of professional behavior. Many of them just react before the other party gets the chance to explain one's stand vs. their stand. It's a very common practice these days not to read the post before commenting or not to le

I Want to Slam My Head Because of Parents Who Sexualize Their Daughters Then Wonder Where They Went Wrong!

I can't deny this truth spelled out as, "THIS WORLD IS FILLED WITH SO MANY STUPID PEOPLE WHO PROFESS THEMSELVES TO BE WISE." In truth, the world gets me more and more angry with how stupid people can be. Let's face it we have a world that loves sin but hates its consequences. If you don't want to suffer the consequences of sin then you must dissociate yourself from that sin that brings those consequences. I'd like to talk about parents who sexualize their daughters then start crying out, "Where did I go wrong?" when their baby is having a baby. The stupidity can't get any worse can it? Well it has as the world is really falling apart.  No, it's NOT cute! Let's take a look at how stupid parenting has become this days. Many parents even the mothers are really thinking it's cute to sexualize their daughters when it's not. It does look cute to the world but I'm awfully disgusted by it. They start out sexualizing their chi

Giving a Piece of My Mind For People Who Say the Bible is Only Written By Man But Don't Question the Other Writings of Men

There's the problem that people today tell me that the Bible is just written by man and how can I be sure that it has no error. Any Bible believer can get those kinds of statements from Roman Catholics and other pseudo-Christian cults, atheists and many more. But there's really one huge irony that happens with people who question the Bible saying that it's only written by men. They display this double standard which is very visible indeed. I've observed such people say that, "Well the Bible is only written by men, how can we sure it's right?" While doing so, they end up upraising a mere man above the Bible. It's like how Roman Catholics reject Sola Scriptura but lift up the Pope, Mormons reject Sola Scriptura but treat their mission president's word as final, members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC) put the central council above the Word of God and atheists tend to uphold the writings of atheist writers more or less in the same reverent way that C

My Reflection on People Neglecting the Importance of Ecclestiastes 8:11

Ecclesiastes 8:11 says, "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil." I've observed how people today laugh at the Bible as a "book of fables" yet it contains the most practical advice in life. If the Bible is just a book of fables then why try to appeal to law and order when the Bible is a book of law and order? I'd like to talk about Ecclesiastes 8:11's principle of providing proper punishment for any misdeed. It's very common to see how a lot of evil is done in the name of human rights. I could evaluate a few of these stupidities that many countries suffer from today: They can't distinguish authoritarian governments from authoritative governments then wonder why society has no order. They cry foul for sentenced criminals instead of the victims of criminals then wonder why crime is so rampant. They think spanking is child abuse then wonder why

I'm Annoyed at Those Heretics Who Insist in the Heresy of Changeless Christianity

If salvation by works isn't the only doctrine that's driving me nuts. I could also talk about the idiocy of people who insist that a person can get saved and never change. The more I read my Bible, the more I really want to tell them that they're taking Scriptures out of context. Sad but true but there are such people who pretend to be Christians but they're not Christians. There's really no change, no guarantee of power from sin because one is saved from sin and no real conversion to start with. Matthew 1:21 addresses the one simple fact that Jesus came to save us from our sins not in our sin. The whole message of salvation has always been salvation from sin not to sin. The idea of salvation by faith alone but not by faith alone is not an invention by John Calvin. The apostle James warned in James 2:14-21 that any faith devoid of works is not faith at all. A dead faith is not a saving faith at all. When James asked that can that kind of faith save him he m

I'm Not Surprised At How Satanic Media Flourishes

As the years go by, I'm not convinced that this world is getting any morally better. It's easy to see that Illuminati or not, the media is definitely controlled by sin. I don't think the Illuminati even needs to be involved in producing any immoral film. Any wicked film director can go ahead and produce lots and lots of wickedness. I don't think the atheist media are manipulated by the Illuminati or Jesuits. Plus, I'm getting tired of the whole blaming Satan for your sins for all you care. Eve tried to blame Satan for her sin and God didn't accept it. While Satan is indeed a master puppeteer of sin but remember he's not omnipresent. Satan did enter into Judas Iscariot but remember before that happened he was already an unsaved man to start with. Satanic media flourishes because of this truth. Satan is the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2). You must remember what Romans 3:10-19 say about man. John 3:18-20 shows that sin springs forth from u

I'm Still Focusing On More Scholarly Methods in Refuting Roman Catholicism

I remembered a few years after I left the Roman Catholic system, I was fascinated by the world of conspiracy theories. I was hungry for the truth. After Billy Graham and Trinity Broadcasting Network were both huge disappointments, I landed with one anti-Roman Catholic conspiracy theory site after the other. I believed a lot of stuff that were written were all true. But there's one problem... some of them can't be verified to be true or they're just making up stories and mixing them up with the truth. After several years of growing up as a Christian, nothing can be further than the truth that conspiracy theories is mostly based on speculations and shaky facts. They don't even help in soulwinning and they don't have a scholarly approach. Fortunately after many years of sticking with the "fundamentalist" approach, I got more into the reformed, scholarly approach. Many anti-Catholic sources may have good intentions but how scholarly are they? Many claims a

It Pains Me to Think I Used to Support Billy Graham

When I was newly saved and I was simply hungry for Christian preaching, I would watch Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) and I remembered listening to Robert Schuller, Joyce Meller, Paul Crouch, Mike Murdock, Benny Hinn and a lot more until I realized they were ecumenical and two, they weren't even preaching sound doctrine the more I compared what they said to the Bible. I also remembered how I used to adore Billy Graham himself as I watched TBN. I've heard some of his sermons on homosexuality, gambling, drugs, adultery and there was a lot of good stuff. I always wanted a preacher like that who didn't preach God was all love. I admit some people even got saved during his ministry. It really bothered me that my former comrades in the Roman Catholic institution would tell me that I should be tolerant towards them. They have even mentioned how Graham himself was tolerant and how he got along with the late John Paul II. That statement blew off the scales off my eyes and

I'm Getting Annoyed at Anti-Death Penalty Opponents' Arguments

I'm already getting tired of people who keep going against death penalty because the Bible is taken out of context. Do you know that God ordained the death penalty? As much as I'm a King James only-ist but I do agree that most people don't take the word "kill" in context. Today the word "kill" can be used either in the context of unauthorized killing or murder, killing in the act of self-defense or killing a person who has committed a heinous crime. One must know how certain words are used in context before they jump into conclusions. Many people still use the whole "but innocent people can be executed." to go against death penalty. But do they know a lot of people go to jail or get executed for something that they didn't do because perjury isn't punished with a heavy penalty? I'd like to raise the fact that perjury should never be taken lightly in court. Deuteronomy 19:16-21 talks about that if you're going to lie in cour

My Mind Hasn't Changed About Roman Catholicism as a Gigantic System of Idolatry!

Many Roman Catholics tell me that I should go back to Roman Catholicism because of some Evangelicals who are becoming Roman Catholic. But as said, if those Evangelicals converted to Roman Catholicism they're false converts. 1 John 2:19 makes it evident that there's a lot of false conversions going on. Just because you used to join an Evangelical, Protestant or Baptist church before didn't make you saved. I even want to blame that phenomenon on the fact that many pastors today are wishy washy preachers. Pastor Paul David Washer addressed how sinner's prayer evangelism has become the reason why so many are false converts. While he does address that some got saved in spite of it, it was because there was a hard hitting message that brought the person to repentance. Today, many sinner's prayer evangelism churches don't even address the possibility of false conversions while preaching a watered down message. Also, just because one converted from Protestantism to R

Giving a Piece of My Mind Concerning Self-Proclaimed Liberals Who Keep Telling Me, "Stop Criticizing Our Religions"

In a world gone mad no thanks to political correctness where people are defending the right to commit sin like how criminal rights are becoming more important than the rights of the victim like when they consider death penalty as a violation to life, homosexual marriage has become legal in many countries, adultery is further encouraged thanks to the legalization of divorce and where everyone but Christians have rights. Christianity has become more and more illegal and if Christians were to speak even one word against pseudo-Christianity like the Roman Catholic institution it's already considered a "hate crime" in itself.  When it comes to the Gospel, there is no reason to apologize for telling the truth! Galatians 4:16 says, "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" These self-proclaimed liberals say, "I don't know the whole Bible like you do Mr. Bible Thumper but didn't the Bible to tell us to love one another? You

This May Be One of My Responses to Atheists Who Keep Telling Me, "Don't Judge Me!"

Many people keep saying, "Don't judge me!" Well it's time to really use this poster against them. Atheists are fond of saying that Christians shouldn't judge them, that Christians are bigots and that they're their own. I guess they don't want to be told what needs to be told. In this same picture, the one who says Christians are bigots is told that the car's lights were left on. Now don't tell me he also wants to punch the person for "judging" him by reminding him his lights were turned on?

Reading Through Jeremiah 44 This Morning Reminds Me of My Annoyances with Roman Catholics

Many Roman Catholics still don't get it even after they've been read Jeremiah 44 concerning the Queen of Heaven. Their justification for praying to Mary (and some brazenly deny that they even pray to her while evidence says otherwise) is that they aren't praying to Ishtar or any pagan goddess but to the earthly mother of Jesus. Some just say they weren't even praying to Mary but they're merely asking for help from her. But that's necromancy and no, you shouldn't even ask your dead loved ones or friends in Heaven to pray for you either. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 Isaiah 8:19 warns about consulting the dead on behalf of the living. Please don't give me Mary was "assumed into Heaven" either because it'd still be idolatry to pray to Enoch and Elijah. It's time to address the issues with they're not praying to Semiramis (or any pagan goddess) but to Mary the earthly mother of Jesus. By making her the "Queen of Heaven" and "M

Why I Believe Unbelief Has Itself Springing From a Love For Sin

Why do so many want to refuse the Gospel and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ? It's because they really love their sin. They would accept a Jesus that would save them in their sin rather than a Jesus that saves from from their sin. The whole issue of unbelief springs from a depraved nature, a mind that goes against God and a love for sin. Natural man hates the Gospel because it intervenes with their sin. People want a gospel that liberates them only from the consequences or sin or where man's contribution of good works is necessary to free somebody from their sin. Meet many religious people today whose hearts are wedded to their false gods or atheists with their desire that God didn't exist. It's all rooted on their love for sin that they don't want to be liberated from it. You can't have sin and the Savior because you must choose between sin and the Savior.  So often, I remembered how many Roman Catholics I've known personally can switch their stance f

It Sickens Me to Why Political Correctness is Becoming More and More Friendly to Homosexuality

Do I find it surprising that homosexuals are getting more and more support to do their wickedness while Christians who love them and sympathize them enough to tell them the truth are getting more and more persecuted? I don't find it surprising because 2 Corinthians 4:4 says, "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." Satan has blinded their eyes to the point they never see they're wrong. They really are getting more and more stupid because they reject Christ. Whoever says only stupid people believe in God will be eating those words! The problem is that almost everything homosexuals do, the world decides to sympathize and condone to their wrong. Two homosexuals want to get married and I refuse to bake them a cake, I go to jail. But when a homosexual baker refuses to bake me a cake for a godly marriage, they have the right and they

Why I Believe Works Salvation Becomes a License to Sin

Works salvationists often say that, "Your doctrine of eternal security is a license to sin. You say that you can be forgiven and you don't need works? You say grace saves you? Bah! You're just teaching a license to sin!" They're just making a series of Nom Sequitur arguments with how they conclude that if I teach salvation can't be lost and that it's by grace through faith then I'm teaching a license to sin. They can go as far as to vilify the Reformers who didn't support the whole notion that salvation by faith alone was by a faith that's alone. Now I'd like to talk how works salvation becomes a license to sin.   Works salvation gives the license to boast. Ephesians 2:8-10 says that from salvation up to sanctification it's all about God's work. Titus 2:11-14 shows that Christians do good by God's grace. The works salvationist is in short saying and bragging,"God look how good I am! You must accept me! If not, you'

It's Frustrating Listening to False Converts Who Directly or Indirectly Support Antinomianism

Even as an immature Christian in the past, I always thought that the only way to get over your sin is to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. I've made the mistake of thinking that I'm on my own at times but the thought that a person can get saved and remain the same is just utterly repulsive. The Bible doesn't even give the slightest hint that anybody can remain the same after they're saved. Christians aren't sinlessly perfect but they can't live like the rest of the world. A Christian may fall into periods of disgrace but they've got God's grace to get them out of that disgrace. That's why I don't want to believe the Christian may be in permanent disgrace because being a true Christian means there ought to be a change in one's character. It's still getting into my nerves after I got into a heated debate with somebody who believes in such idiocy. Like, how can a person be a Christian all because the said this prayer rather

It Sickens Me How Many Quack Preachers Love to Take Malachi 3:8-10 Straight Out of Its Context!

Malachi 3:8-10 says, "Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the L ORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." The problem today is that to make billions, it's very easy to misquote those verses. I have nothing against giving tithes as part of the Christian living but the moment that the tithe is given out of coercion or swindling then that's just plain wrong. I'm really thinking do the prosperity gospel fake pastors realize that they're the ones who are also stealing the tithes and offerings? In the process, these fake pastors have robbed God in tithes and offerings. What should have been used to furthe

Dear Entertainment Driven Church, I Don't See Entertainers Anywhere in the Scriptures!

Ephesians 4:11-16 says, "11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love." Who did God give to edify the Body of Christ for the New Testament c