I'm Just Amazed at How Some Roman Catholic Apologists Are Just a Group of Cowardly Hecklers!

One of the many reasons why I choose to avoid debate with Roman Catholic apologists is not only because the Bible says so (2 Timothy 2:16) but also because of other reasons. There's the saying in the Bible in Proverbs 26:3-5 to never answer a fool according to their folly. Titus 3:10 says that once you've warned a person once or twice then leave. That has been my experience with Roman Catholic apologists. Based on my experience, some of them are really indeed unprofessional, rude and crude and it's best not to stoop down to their level of stupidity. 

As far as I've experienced, I've had a lot of headaches arguing with Roman Catholic apologists not only because they take the Scriptures straight out of context but also because of their lack of professional behavior. Many of them just react before the other party gets the chance to explain one's stand vs. their stand. It's a very common practice these days not to read the post before commenting or not to let the other person finish before reacting. It's all based on their emotional stupidity than a real intellectual discussion.

Am I willing to sit down and discuss with a Roman Catholic about the differences between my faith and theirs? I would if they're willing to sit down and learn like Nicodemus. Nicodemus was willing to learn. Some Roman Catholic apologists I know are willing to have a professional discussion then I'll give them that. I can discuss to them why I don't accept Mary as a co-mediator or why I don't pray the Rosary. But if all they want to do is heckle me after I preached to them then I'll just have to leave them with a gentle warning then leave.