It Pains Me to Think I Used to Support Billy Graham

When I was newly saved and I was simply hungry for Christian preaching, I would watch Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) and I remembered listening to Robert Schuller, Joyce Meller, Paul Crouch, Mike Murdock, Benny Hinn and a lot more until I realized they were ecumenical and two, they weren't even preaching sound doctrine the more I compared what they said to the Bible. I also remembered how I used to adore Billy Graham himself as I watched TBN. I've heard some of his sermons on homosexuality, gambling, drugs, adultery and there was a lot of good stuff. I always wanted a preacher like that who didn't preach God was all love. I admit some people even got saved during his ministry.

It really bothered me that my former comrades in the Roman Catholic institution would tell me that I should be tolerant towards them. They have even mentioned how Graham himself was tolerant and how he got along with the late John Paul II. That statement blew off the scales off my eyes and I realized that Graham was an ecumenical preacher. Later on, I realized he thought of Roman Catholics as his brothers and sisters in Christ. Many times, he has praised the Pope as a good Christian man or the most influential man in the Christian world. While I should credit him for speaking against sin but one thing I can't deny is that he was actually in cahoots with the Vatican. What was even more shocking was that from a documentary I watched about the late John Paul II was this. The late John Paul II called Graham his brother in Christ. So much for some fanatical Roman Catholics who keep saying that born again Christianity was "founded" by Graham himself. That is a huge lie! Graham didn't say you must be born again! Jesus was the one who said you must be born again or you cannot see the Kingdom of God (John 3:3-5). They may argue it actually means "born from above" but it doesn't change the fact you must be born again from above!

I don't know why do some sound preachers still support him in spite of evidence from his own actions that he works for the Vatican. Some Christian churches even still endorse the "Celebration of Life" with the Grahams. I don't even bother to attend to them but it pains me why some sound preachers are even misled into attending them? As Jesus warned, even the very Elect can be deceived for the meantime (Matthew 24:24). It bothers me to why they don't even realize that Graham himself is an ecumenical pastor. Didn't those preachers read 1 John 2:19 to test the true converts from the false ones? Jesus warned that only those who endure to the end shall be saved (Matthew 24:14). It's a huge warning against professing converts who are not truly converted at all. Many will come to profess they know Jesus but He never knew them (Matthew 7:23). Did they lose their salvation? They never had it to start with. Remember Jesus told them "I never knew you." meaning they weren't saved and the evidence was in being a habitual doer of lawlessness.