Giving a Piece of My Mind Concerning Self-Proclaimed Liberals Who Keep Telling Me, "Stop Criticizing Our Religions"

In a world gone mad no thanks to political correctness where people are defending the right to commit sin like how criminal rights are becoming more important than the rights of the victim like when they consider death penalty as a violation to life, homosexual marriage has become legal in many countries, adultery is further encouraged thanks to the legalization of divorce and where everyone but Christians have rights. Christianity has become more and more illegal and if Christians were to speak even one word against pseudo-Christianity like the Roman Catholic institution it's already considered a "hate crime" in itself. 

When it comes to the Gospel, there is no reason to apologize for telling the truth! Galatians 4:16 says, "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" These self-proclaimed liberals say, "I don't know the whole Bible like you do Mr. Bible Thumper but didn't the Bible to tell us to love one another? You're not being loving as you say when you attack other people's religions. I'm sure Jesus wasn't like you! Besides, don't judge and you won't be judged! Didn't those bigoted Christians get what they deserve for telling Muslims that Jesus is the only Way to the Father?" But I can only say that I offer no apology whenever it comes to telling the offensive truth of the Gospel according to Jesus. It's because that truth needs to be heard... AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!

I hate it whenever self-proclaimed liberals give me a very distorted view about Jesus. Many people today want a Madison Avenue Jesus. Many don't really have a real idea of who Jesus was because they don't bother to read the Bible. Some people may think Jesus was just a happy do-gooder who never offended anyone. I don't see Jesus being loved by the world. The more I read my Bible, the more I realize this truth that Jesus only had the love of the world when He did the miracles. But when it came to Him preaching the hard truth He was frequently rejected. Besides, whenever He asserted that if you're going to reject Him then you reject the Father, He meant it. When He said He's the only Way to the Father, He meant it.

One of the biggest lies I've heard is that if I'm going to be more like Jesus then the world will love me. No, the more I'll become more like Jesus the world will hate me. The Christian lifestyle has never been in harmony with the world. While the world can accept Christians doing community service and good works but let the Christian reject what the world thinks is right. Let the Christian say, "I won't do that because I'm a Christian and I love the LORD." then the world is more than ready to call names and make false accusations. As 2 Timothy 3:12 says, "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." The more godly a Christian will be, the more the world will lump them with those who are the worst of sinners. After all, didn't the Pharisees decide to accuse Jesus of condoning sin whenever He dined with repentant sinners? It's always the same pattern of throwing false accusations just to irritate the Christian and it gets annoying. But it's expected because the Lord Jesus Christ already warned many times about persecution when you're going to follow Him.