Giving a Piece of My Mind About "Free Speech" and "Hate Speech"

Many words today are so often abused. Words like love, hate and freedom are but a few words that's frequently used out of context. I'd like to talk about "free speech" to how it's often misused and abused by "liberals" today who are just a group of vile people (Isaiah 32:5). 

Here's a good example of how hypocritical the "liberals" are today. Based on this clip, they're already accusing Douglas Wilson a Presbyterian pastor who had spoken in Indiana University. Although this is at least four years ago, I still want to remind those "free speech" people of their wickedness. They have accused Wilson of "hate speech" because he goes against sinful practices the world considers as "normal". Christianity has been so full of biased attackers like feminists think Christians are anti-women's rights, homosexuals think Christianity's anti-homosexuality stand is equal to how Muslim extremists have it and you see how the students had their disrespect towards the speaker. I really felt sorry for the speaker having to deal with such rude people. 

I've observed how Christians are losing their right to free speech by having their stand immediately and unfairly labeled as hate speech. What's even more sinister is that this "hate speech" labeling is taken out of context and those who do it are missing the point. They think the moment a Christian says something against homosexuality and how God can restore them, it's already equated to an agenda similar to ISIS. When a Christian declares no other ways to Heaven but God it's already equated to religious extremism. It's sad to say but Christians are getting falsely accused for things that they don't do. From what I heard, a lot of Christians were falsely accused and they had no opportunity for a fair trial. If Jesus became guilty of a faulty court system then Christians should expect it too.

This whole idea of "free speech" is nothing more than an excuse to justify one's sin. To immediately call disagreement as hatred is to commit the "either or" fallacy. To immediately conclude that Christians hate people because they don't approve of certain stuff is also commit the fallacy of Nom Sequitur where facts don't logically point to the conclusion. To disagree has become an act of hatred and bigotry. But for them to clobber up the Christian for speaking the truth then it's not a hate crime. I guess they can even get away with murdering the Christian to "silence" him. It also means that anybody has the right to a fair trial except who "liberals" condemn as narrow minded bigots. For the "liberals" if anybody disagrees with them and speaks differently is immediately a terrorist. 

All this misuse of the terms "free speech" and "hate speech" is because of how the world redefines love. This picture describes what "love" means to this world gone mad. People tell me to stop what I do because I'm hurting their feelings. They even dare say that if I'm going to be more like Jesus the world will love me. But the Bible warns that the more Christlike the Christian becomes, the more the world will hate the person. They have a different Jesus and not the Jesus of the Bible (2 Corinthians 11:4). Every error is tolerated in the name of tolerance. The sad truth is that truth is not tolerated in their own definition of tolerance. With this redefinition of love then anything they disagree with and as long as people are offended then it can be called a "hate crime". 

Biblical love is different from how the world defines love to people. 1 Corinthians 13:6 says that love doesn't rejoice in sin but in the truth. Christians love lost sinners enough to tell them the truth. There's really no greater love for sinners than to warn them about sin and tell them about the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. But the world's love for sin will always get them to reject the true Gospel. They could go ahead and accept an Antinomian gospel that salvation gives a license to sin but never the true Gospel in which Jesus came to deliver people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). Jesus would never sugar coat the Gospel just because He's afraid lost sinners would be upset. He tells it like it is to people as they are because real love warns others out of genuine concern!