Thank God, I'm Already O-U-T, OUT, of Conspiracy Theories
I remembered a few years after I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior - I got into a Christian bookstore. There was some excitement. Before I got saved, I was able to read the "Alberto" series (in which the late Alberto R. Rivera was really a fraud). I used to believe the "Alberto" series with all its creative artistic licenses (such as certain scenes in "Double Cross". I didn't use my critical thinking cap and thought of Chick Publications as a reliable source. Unfortunately, most people didn't see that Chick Publications is toxic. The late Roy Livesey was right to criticize Chick Publications as a huge obstacle in soulwinning. Too many Roman Catholics are too angry to listen especially if you show them the "Alberto" comics. There's bound to be more defensiveness by a Roman Catholic with the "Alberto" comics than they would if you shared to them "Catholicism: Crisis of Faith" and "Truth Encounter" by the late Anthony Pezzotta. Any defensiveness Roman Catholics should have should focus on doctrine - not the extreme and fantastic claims from Chick Publications!
So, I remembered having been into Vatican conspiracy theories. My top favorite sources were Chick Publications and Jesus-is-Savior. I also read Conspiracy Planet and Conspiracy World. I also used to read through Reformation Online until Patrick Scrivener started endorsing the idea of a pre-Flood world full of monstrosities found only in pagan literature. I remembered doing tons of research and writing them down. I was told that Rivera just writes and writes without proving but I didn't want to buy it. I didn't realize I was already idolizing Rivera without knowing it. But not only Rivera but also David J. Stewart, the late Jack T. Chick, and I also read through Texe Marrs, that was until I read his attack on the Book of Esther. Marrs' essay against the Book of Esther is grounded on fallacies, not facts! I stopped reading Jesus-is-Savior early 2011 (that would be ten years ago) but I was still into Chick Publications. It might be easy to dump Jesus-is-Savior but Chick Publications is much harder to pull out of. I don't deny some people got saved reading Chick Tracts but like Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) or the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) - I think Chick Publications is better off not endorsed. TBH and BGEA are both unequally yoked with Rome. BGEA also has many of its crusades aired on TBN. Meanwhile, Chick Publications is so immersed in conspiracy theories. Thank God for Chick Publications, Alex Jones, and the like? Please, those kinds of people are giving dangerous misinformation!
Right now, I could think about what my mind would've cooked up if I were still into conspiracy theories. Maybe, I would really end up saying, "Did you know that the COVID-19 is a dangerous disease engineered in a Jesuit top-secret base in Wuhan? Did you know that Dr. Li Wenliang was murdered at the order of Arturo Sosa of the Jesuit Order? Did you know that the Jesuits are using SINOVAC to slowly poison the population? I admit, I almost joined the anti-vaxxer movement though I was skeptical about the claims put by Stewart on his site. I personally still believed in the power of vaccination because I also read through creation science websites. Fortunately, I didn't buy the garbage of Scrivener's "Vatican medical inquisition" though pulling out of Jesus-is-Savior and Chick Publications is easier said than done.
This has me thinking about why I'm considering myself O-U-T, OUT, of conspiracy theories. David W. Cloud of Way of Life Literature is right to call it an utter waste of time and not healthy for one's mind. Many of them are unprovable, if they are true they are beyond the control of the Christian, and third, it's very mentally distracting. The fourth point he made is that it's best to focus on God and His control on all things. God had allowed certain worldwide epidemics even worse than COVID-19 to happen. Why should I even worry if the COVID-19 vaccine is the Mark of the Beast? Quarantine passes and vaccination cards are necessities to help curb down infection during a pandemic. Military and police are needed during a pandemic due to wicked men who want to take advantage of it. Quarantine passes and vaccination cards are but steps to the Mark of the Beast. Honestly, there's nothing I can do about the Mark of the Beast because it's in God's prophetic calendar. Even more, the Mark of the Beast is not administered until the Tribulation Period. The Mark of the Beast is not just an economic system - it's a system tied to the worship of the Antichrist. People today are receiving their vaccines without pledging allegiance to the New World Order. Besides, the Church will be gone by the time of the Tribulation. The only martyrs during the Tribulation are those left behind who will believe.
I admit that I want to go back to conspiracy theories. The issue is all about getting the Gospel preached to find out who the Elect and those who are not Elect are. The best focus is to stick to provable facts and the Word of God. Focusing on the Word of God means I'll be more focused on getting provable facts from history, science, and current events - not weird conspiracy theories. I confess that those conspiracy theories only worsened my struggle against dishonesty, unforgiveness, and paranoia. Returning back to conspiracy theories in any shape or form? Honestly, no more and anything I wrote based on conspiracy theories is but junk research.
- I Believe John Hagee's Falsehoods are More Contagious than the New COVID-19 Strain
- I'd Rather Not Dwell on Ongoing Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories
- My Thoughts on COVID-19 Hysteria Linked with End Times Conspiracy Theories
- My Thoughts On Why Christians Shouldn't Dabble Into Conspiracy Theories
- Remembering the Time I Got Too Obsessed with Vatican Conspiracy Theories
- Why I Haven't Listened to Infowars for a Very Long Time
- Why I Stopped Reading and Endorsing Jesus-is-Savior Website
- Why I Support the Research for a COVID-19 Vaccine