Why I Support the Research for a COVID-19 Vaccine

As the COVID-19 infection soars, I really ask myself why in the world are the anti-vaccination people kicking in again. Researching on God's Word is important. Out of the knowledge of God's Word comes the desire to learn science and shun the science falsely so-called. The King James Version (KJV) renders 1 Timothy 6:20 as science. The English Standard Version (ESV) renders it as knowledge. Science is all about knowledge. Science comes from the Latin word scientia which means knowledge. So for the ESV to use the word knowledge in the place of science is still acceptable. To study science is to seek to expand one's knowledge.

One thing I wanted to get my attention lately is how people have correlated the COVID-19 with the Mark of the Antichrist. I simply wanted to laugh at how the COVID-19 quarantine and the vaccine are linked to the New World Order. There are so many fear-inducing theories. Some have been gone to be as stupid enough to say that rejecting the vaccine equals rejecting the mark of the Antichrist. It's equivocation at its finest. For one, the mark of the Antichrist is not gotten through your latest ATM, the latest microchip (though it's certainly a sign because biochip development is happening at a rapid rate), membership shopping at certain wholesale establishments, and the like. What people forget is that the mark of the Antichrist is tied to a religious system. In short, you can have all the microchips, all the membership shopping, or whatever beneficial technology there is but never the mark of the Antichrist. Also, nobody can get the mark if they don't agree to receive the Antichrist as their lord first, right?

Back on topic, I was thinking about the article at the Creation Ministries International called "Should Christians vaccinate?" I really remembered having second thoughts about vaccines because of conspiracy sites such as Jesus-is-Savior and Reformation Online. Both sites were going against vaccines. One can wonder do the owners of those sites ever bother to do any research before they publish anything as fact? Just consider the medical record that vaccination actually works. Hygiene itself would have helped put an end to smallpox but don't we want to also boost our immune system? Time just came vaccinations became a necessity as new diseases came into the world. The emergence of COVID-19 is no different from the far more lethal Spanish Flu. New diseases are born because we live in a sin-tainted world. Fortunately, God still allowed such providence to happen even when Edward Jenner and Louis Pasteur were unsaved. Well, we do still use the discoveries of heathen scientists in everyday science and technology, right? 

Why would I want to go for a COVID-19 vaccine? As said, just because I have faith in God doesn't mean I can go out and be foolish. Having faith in God doesn't mean I can walk on the water. Surely, God can give providence in the storm and my answered prayer can be in the form of a rescuer. However, I can't pray to God and miraculously walk on water. Peter would've drowned if it wasn't for Jesus' supernatural intervention. I don't think God will miraculously heal me of COVID-19 if I get it because I failed to follow medical protocol. God has allowed provisions even after the fall to give mankind space to repent. If a successful COVID-19 vaccine might give more time for wicked men to repent then so be it. Though we need to keep an eye for wicked men who may exploit it for their own use and pray that they repent.