I Believe John Hagee's Falsehoods are More Contagious than the New COVID-19 Strain

I'm amazed at how Christian bookstores have some discernment issues to do. It's not just the selling books by Joel Osteen but also by John Hagee. At first, Hagee seems to be a normal preacher and a man of God. However, Hagee ends up in several bizarre theologies one way or another. One is the dual covenant theology which denies the Jews' need for Jesus. The idea that Jews don't need Jesus is utterly foolish. Jesus preached to the Jews their need for salvation. If that were true then John 8:44 wouldn't be true? Jesus was calling unsaved Jews as children of the Devil. Several unsaved Jews were also inventors of evil things proving that Jews too need Jesus to be saved from their sins. Yet, Hagee himself denies that. Any unsaved Jew is heading straight for Hell with any unsaved Gentile!

Now, we've got Hagee with his latest sermon called "Coronavirus: Dress Rehearsal for the New World Order". This is really no better than the fundamentalist insanity brought by Jesus-is-Savior and Chick Publications. I don't dare deny people are dying while others lived. A recent Google search will tell you that in 86.5 million cases that only 1.87 million died on a worldwide scale. True, the virus is really mutating in London. It's really only natural that viruses mutate because it's a consequence of sin.

However, do your research and you will find outbreaks far worse than the Coronavirus or COVID-19. Yes, there are outbreaks worse than it. I don't deny people can die from Coronavirus but there are more survivors. You may have heard of the bubonic plague or you may have heard of swine flu. I wonder if Hagee bothers to do any research. Then again, I doubt that he does any real research because of how often the guy blurts out nonsense. Any research will tell you that soldiers and military are released whenever an epidemic (staged or not) happens. Military and police are needed because it's a time of chaos when there's an epidemic. There's always the risk of bio-terrorism whenever there's an epidemic such as when SARS (an older variation of the Coronavirus) hit. SARS was used as a bio-weapon and COVID-19 is no different. Bio-terrorism is an unlawful activity so it's only necessary that police and military should be there. 

I wonder if Hagee has read Matthew 24 properly? Matthew 24:44 even says that the Lord will return when you least expect it. Some people are now expecting the Rapture after the outbreak is over because of how chaotic the world is. Read back some verses and you'll notice that verse 38-39 says that people were going on with their lives. Verse 42 should be a big slap on Hagee's face because of his so many failed predictions like the late Harold Camping. Some people even believed that the Rapture will hit on December 21, 2012, simply because of the Mayan Calendar phenomenon. Instead, it seems that the Mayan Calendar actually ended on December 15, 2013, which is the date of Camping's death, instead? I just wonder though if the Mayans do have an undiscovered calendar that may contain all of Hagee's failed prediction dates?