Remembering the Time I Got Too Obsessed with Vatican Conspiracy Theories
I remembered the time I actually collected the "Alberto" comic books, I read Edmond J. Paris' "The Secret History of the Jesuits", and I just subscribed and kept reading several anti-Vatican sites. Then there was one thing I realized - I got too focused on the lies of the Devil rather than the grace of God. There was a time I got so focused on the idea that the Pope is the Antichrist, Jesuit assassins, the Vatican murders - that I couldn't talk salvation with Roman Catholics! I could have talked about salvation but my obsession with Roman Catholic conspiracy theories got worse. I soon spent too much time with sites that focused too much on the Vatican than soul-winning Roman Catholics. I just got too angry and bitter over why I had to be born into a Roman Catholic family.
Some anti-Catholic conspiracy theories should be considered ridiculous at best. Some of them have that crazy reptilian Illuminati invasion - such as one claiming that the Pope is a reptilian. Huh? I didn't know that the Pope was supposedly a reptilian humanoid! Are they watching too much Hollywood nonsense where blasphemy abounds so much? You have some of them who blame the Vatican for every single problem in the world even when some of these problems are of themselves. Sure, the Jesuits have caused a lot of problems in the world but they aren't the cause of every problem in the world. Some of these anti-Catholic sources are questionable at best. Some of them do contain too much "too fantastic to be true" statements that make Satan look more powerful than he truly is. Since when did Satan have the ability to let limbs grow from amputees or make people vomit green slime? Satan his powerful but he's not that powerful!
Preaching against Roman Catholicism is a real must. However, focusing too much on that topic is not healthy. Not every anti-Catholic source can be trusted either. The Seventh-Day Adventists and some Pentecostals are anti-Catholic but can you trust them? Tony Alamo turned out to be no better than the Vatican. Instead, it's best to go for sources that you can trust. I would recommend the use of "Catholicism - Crisis of Faith" and "Truth Encounter" for a more scholarly approach to refuting Roman Catholicism. Roman Catholics need to hear the Gospel first more than the dirty secrets that their religion has been hiding from them! While talking and revealing Rome's dirty history is a must but the priority is getting Roman Catholics to hear the Gospel that they need to hear from the pages of the Bible.
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