Why I Stopped Reading and Endorsing Jesus-is-Savior Website

I remembered the time I was fascinated by the Jesus-is-Savior page. It was a conspiracy theory filled page. It's one whole big page so it's almost impossible to miss all the heretical doctrines and flip-flops that its webmaster David J. Stewart has made. I remembered reading this page for references. There are a lot of truths found in said page such as abortion, homosexuality, child discipline, adultery, divorce - I can agree that these things can be exposed. It turns out that like many gullible Christians like myself - they may have not spotted the hidden heresies in his site.

What's questionable about Stewart's page? Here's some of the most dangerous stuff that you may have missed while you read the truths in his page:
  1. Teaching of easy believism is very common in his page. It said that if you require sinners to be willing to turn from sin or receive Jesus as Lord then it's works salvation. I thought that the site was merely hacked but it turned out that the webmaster was writing all the bogus doctrines. How can repentance unto salvation not involve a repentance from sin? None! Then I wonder why would he endorse Charles H. Spurgeon and ask preachers to stop misquoting Spurgeon? He's the one misquoting Spurgeon who taught about repenting of your sins. All this one made me doubt my salvation because I always believed in repentance of sins and receiving Jesus Christ as one's Lord and Savior to be saved!
  2. Another page that I missed was that he defend the Gap Theory. It's something that's not consistent with the Genesis account. God would have allowed Adam and Eve to be with the dinosaurs at the Garden of Eden. The Tyrannosaurus Rex and other dinosaurs weren't a threat until the fall of mankind.
  3. He has many moments where he changes his stance. At one point he believes that certain wicked people are burning in Hell. Yet another he is confident that said people are in Heaven but with no reward. He claims not to be Antinomian yet he uses Romans 4:5 as a guarantee that a believer can live like the rest of the world. Although he has considered that Lot was vexed by sin yet why does he believe Romans 4:5 is a guarantee that a Christian can still live in sin and be saved? How can anyone vexed in sin well live a lifestyle of sin? It's contradictory. 
  4. He also has pretty much misinformed stance on the Protestant Reformers themselves. He has an attempt to discredit many of the important figures. What he ignores is that the King James Bible was translated by Puritan scholars who are also Calvinists. 
  5. He even has several misinformation such as 9/11 conspiracy theories. He even says that Islam had nothing to do with 9/11. Is George W. Bush Jr. just "sitting there" enough proof that he was indeed behind 9/11? The idea that Islam had nothing to do with 9/11 is stupid. If there was no involvement then why were many Muslims in the Middle East rejoicing about it? What about the leaks with the late Osama bin Laden? But that's just not it. He also endorses Alex Jones who is actually nothing more than a conspiracy theorist paranoid. Christians should not bother listening to Jones who happens to be aligned with Baptist extremist preacher Steven Anderson!

There is also the question of Stewart. I heard that he's actually a sexually immoral pervert. I thought that it was just another false accusation to get him silenced. Whether or not it's true still remains to be seen since his site is still up and running. Regardless, his page is better off ignored because of how it can drive anyone paranoid. It's no surprise his site turns out the way it did - after all he's following Jack Hyles' ministry. What shocked me years later is that Hyles' ministry was one full of cover-ups and disasters one way or another. Hopefully more Christians will be careful to avoid my past mistake of endorsing said site!