My Thoughts on COVID-19 Hysteria Linked with End Times Conspiracy Theories
One reason why John Hagee should be regarded as a heretic is that the guy just loves to make false prophecies. Some people were now raising their concerns about COVID-19 would be that "mark of the Beast" (HUH?). I wonder are these people listening to Infowars and Conspiracy Planet? Both Alex Jones and Texe Marrs may be anti-Catholic but they are still deceivers and nutjobs at best. It's no surprise either that Jesus-is-Savior's nutjob webmaster David J. Stewart endorses Infowars and Steven Anderson is allies with Jones. Jesus-is-Savior is so full of conspiracy theories you won't notice the guy flips his doctrinal stance a lot. Marrs' site can be either amazing or full of nonsense (such as his twisted interpretation of the Book of Esther). Now, some people haven't learned from the 2012 Rapture (or as the Bible calls, it Blessed Hope) hoax or Doomsday hoax. It reminded me of how I once said, "If I'm gone missing by December 21, 2021, then I'm up home in Heaven." This is really where I want to shoot down at the sites I used to believe in or at extreme fundamentalists who love to share conspiracy theories.
One of the concerns based on COVID-19 is the use of COVID-19 passports or quarantine passes. I admit, these are indeed signs of the times. I don't want to deny that every technology today will make the New World Order possible. I don't deny credit cards may soon make way to a cashless society. However, none of these precursors are the Mark of the Beast. The COVID-19 passports, vaccination cards, and surveillance are done to help contain the virus. Those spreading that the vaccine and quarantine passes are the Mark of the Beast are also giving the unproven statement that the COVID-19 is a bioweapon of the New World Order. Some might even be saying that deep under the Vatican, the Jesuits cooked up the COVID-19 to get the world ready for the New World Order. Unfortunately, that's the kind of damage that companies like Chick Publications or websites like Jesus-is-Savior can do to the mind! I guess that's why Chick Publications was rightfully accused by many other missions to Catholics in making Catholics too angry to listen to the truth. It's because Chick Publications (along with similar ministries) are so linked to half-truths!
A bit of critical analysis will tell you why COVID-19 passports, vaccination cards, and surveillance are needed. You need to think that the virus is still in its fast stage. Vaccination is actually encouraged to those who are qualified to slow spread the virus. Having a vaccine passport during an epidemic can clear you to do certain activities. A quarantine pass will help monitor how many people came in and came out. I'm not going to deny those are indeed signs and the times and they're inevitable. However, the mark of the Beast is something that happens only after the Rapture. There are times when Danny Bornales of Anabaptist gets into the hype but I'd credit him for actually saying that by the time the 666 appears, the Christians will be taken home alive into Heaven. Kent Jesalva of World in Need Baptist Church says that we're to take the vaccine if need be to help curb the virus. Jesalva also mentioned that the Rapture must come first before the Mark of the Beast can even be implemented or that we're to dismiss such stupid conspiracy theories. Just remember that the COVID-19 passports, vaccination cards, and surveillance are used because peace and order are not easy to manage. They are not linked to the worship of the Antichrist. The main reason to get marked during the Tribulation is worship. Today, people are getting vaccinated without pledging themselves to Satan.
Fortunately, we've got some sound fundamentalists like David W. Cloud. At first, I thought Cloud was simply misinformed about the late Jack Hyles. However, the more I evidence, the more I realized that Hyles was a fake pastor. Cloud himself is one to dismiss conspiracy theories even if he did the mistake of riding over the Harry Potter and Pokemon are satanic hype, something I also did in the past and won't pursue since both will just go away by God's grace. Jun Divierte also gives his warning about linking COVID-19 to the Mark of the Beast. Cloud also does his research, unlike Patrick Scrivener of Reformation Online. Cloud also has various articles on vaccination which proved that epidemics worse than COVID-19 were stopped by vaccines. Thank God that people like Cloud are still out there to help dismiss conspiracy theories.
See also:
- I Believe John Hagee's Falsehoods are More Contagious than the New COVID-19 Strain
- I'd Rather Not Dwell on Ongoing Coronavirus Conspiracy Theories
- My Thoughts On Why Christians Shouldn't Dabble Into Conspiracy Theories
- Remembering the Time I Got Too Obsessed with Vatican Conspiracy Theories
- Why I Haven't Listened to Infowars for a Very Long Time
- Why I Stopped Reading and Endorsing Jesus-is-Savior Website
- Why I Support the Research for a COVID-19 Vaccine