My Thoughts on the Cosmological Argument for God's Existence
One of the arguments that I ran into some time ago is the cosmological argument for God's existence. Cosmology is the study of the universe. The Greek word "kosmos" means "world" and "logos" means "study". That means the cosmological argument of God is based on the study of relating with the origin and development of the universe. Cosmology is a branch of astronomy relating to the study of the development of the universe. Sadly, the study of cosmology today is tainted by the false doctrine of evolution by Charles Darwin - a view that pagans freely accept but Christians don't. Christians know evolution just can't be real based on scientific evidence. For the pagans, it's more of defending their religion since almost every pagan creation story is as messy as Darwin's views. Darwin was also from a family of Freemasons too.
The more I study the science of the universe - the more it can be seen that it's not a result of random explosions. The great late D. James Kennedy in his book "Why I Believe" also specified in chapter three called "Why I Believe in God". I was thinking of the amazing scientific information that describes the Earth in perfect order. It's just the right size and the right distance from the sun. There is an amazing tilt in the axis that no other planet has. The moon has its specific job to influence the tides or our oceans wouldn't function. The atmosphere is really noticed that the right combination of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and 1% of every other trace element. Too much oxygen will cause everything to combust or people to die from hyperventilation. There's the nitrogen cycle that provides nutrients to the soil. There's the thin layer of ozone that protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays. This is really the science that proves that no amount of technology can mimic such a great wonder.
One could think about the amount of mathematics and science done. It's no coincidence that the applications of calculus, geometry, and trigonometry into astronomy are there. Do you think it was all randomly placed? Mathematics is part of an order. Without mathematics, we can't imagine building manmade structures. Yet, no amount of mathematics in the hands of man could help them outdo the wonders of nature. All that mathematics and science can do is to make you amazed at the power of the Creator. Hipparchus, the man behind ancient trigonometry, also was an astronomer. Although Hipparchus was a pagan, we can see that his contributions to astronomy and mathematics clearly shows that God's handiwork is in the Universe.
However, we are continuously faced with this really foolish idea. Atheists can clearly see the perfect order of nature but they still refuse to acknowledge it. They see everything here and there. They can see that no science can mimic it. Until now, people still can't do anything to take the moon of its orbit. Until now, people still can't destroy the sun or even explore the sun, unlike the moon explorations. Until now, no amount of science an make the inhabitable planets, habitable. Yet, atheists are still determined to undermine God's existence because of a moral problem. They have the intellect to see yet their foolish minds are darkened. Only the supernatural work of God can truly open their spiritually blind eyes!
- Giving a Piece of My Mind on Atheist Stupidity!
- I Find It Ironic That Atheists Think They're Scientific Even When They're Not
- I Find It So Vexing That Atheists Claim That Nature Has No Intelligent Design!
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- I'm Not Surprised I Receive the Same Insult From Atheistic Evolutionists All Over Again
- I'm Still Not Convinced at The "Evidence" for Evolution!
- Look Atheist, I've Already Gathered as Much Evidence for God and You Still Don't Want to Believe It?!
- My Thoughts on Ontological Argument for God's Existence
- My Thoughts on the Teleological Argument for God's Existence
- So I'm Not Scientifically Minded Unless I Believe in Evolution as Science?
- This Statement By Richard Dawkins Blew My Mind With How Stupid Atheists Can Get!
- Why I Don't Think Militant Atheists Are That Really Free to Think and Open Minded as They Claim to Be