I'd Like to Say "Your Willful Ignorance is Overwhelming" to the Atheistic Evolutionist
In the world of nom sequitur arguments, atheistic evolutionists tend to say, "If you don't beleive in atheistic evolution, you're unscientific." Ever since I heard of the false account of the Scopes Monkey Trial which was a load of lies, evolution today loves to use one of the most abused statements ever saying statements like, "Studies show...", "All the scientists accept it...", "Nobody cares...", "Science says...", "It's accepted everywhere..." and "the evidence is overwhelming..." to make people believe a lie.
Why do I want to say your stupidity is overwhelming to the atheistic evolutionist? Plain and simple, it doesn't take a biologist to understand basic biology. If you know the basic rule of genetics, it affirms Genesis with the principle that everything reproduces according to its own kind. If apes, monkeys and humans had a common ancestor then why can't apes and humans reproduce?
Those who believe in human evolution regardless whether they're atheists or not still need to explain a lot of stuff. The so-called "fossil record" is not at all scientific. How can you even determine that one skull, one piece of tooth and whatever was "evidence" for the existence of his "subhuman species"? I'd like to say, "How did you figure it out? Did the bones talk to you?"
What's more fascinating is that even when science finds actual and real evidence for Creation and that there's a God, they still continue to harden themselves. That's why Psalm 14:1 calls them fools and do note that fools consider themselves to be wise. Romans 1:22-23 says that such people profess to be wise but they are fools. Going down to verse 28, it shows that they know God exists but they choose not to acknowledge Him, they wish He's gone and He's just a fairytale. But sorry he is no fairytale and He'll judge people who die in their sins.
2 Peter 3:5 address the issue of willful ignorance. I can really tell them, "You know God exists but why do you choose to reject scientific evidence about Him? You're being willfully ignorant!" I'm just ready to hear any excuses like that God is cruel, harsh and whatever reasoning they can come up with while saying, "There are no moral absolutes." If there are no moral absolutes then there's no ground to condemn right and wrong." Sorry, sin is always sin and it will always be. People like them hate God because they want to do what they want without the consequences.