I'm Exploring Aiden W. Tozer's Writings
While I was second second thoughts on A.W. Tozer because of his tendency to profusely quote from selected Roman Catholic mystics such as Francis of Assisi's prayer - yet he condemned the doctrines of Roman Catholicism to be false. This had me alarmed but I thought that I do have the tendency to quote words of wisdom from unsaved men and women. Sometimes, some people quote Confucius (who was obviously an unbeliever) and some Christian academies celebrate Teacher's Day on the same day as the philosopher's birthday.
It had me thinking that Dr. John F. MacArthur had mentioned Tozer in several of his books. I remembered reading the latest edition of "The Gospel According to Jesus" and Tozer was mentioned. Here's one of the quotes that I love to quote from Tozer himself:
The Lord will not save those whom He cannot command. He will not divide His offices. You cannot believe on a half-Christ. We take Him for what He is - an anointed Saviour and Lord who is King of kings and Lord of all lords! He would not be Who He is if He saved us and called us and chose us without the understanding that He can also guide us and control our lives.
Dr. MacArthur also wrote of A.W. Tozer as a person who turned the charge of heresy of easy Christianity. I'm afraid that many people today are ignoring his warnings. One of the worst things he said about easy Christianity is that time will come when there will be people who think that they can receive Christ without rejecting the world. How sad can it be to think that you can receive Christ as Savior but not as Lord. If your Jesus is not Lord then you are not saved. That is a very biblical warning!
Although he is no prophet, he did predict the truth about the rise of entertainment driven churches. It's really so stupid how one can claim to be a born again Christian yet there is really zero evidence of having been born again. Born again is not an organization - it is a relationship with God. The older translations use born from above as a clearer definition of what it means to be a born again Christian. Tozer's claims of the rise of the entertainment driven church is happening right before our eyes.
Right now, I feel the need to invest some time reading some of Tozer's classics to help inspire me from the daily spiritual battle. Although he's no Calvinist but he did show that he did believe in the difference between true and false conversion. How can anyone even think that they are saved and believe that they have a license to sin? Those who are truly saved will not like to live like the world anymore. Only false converts will ever dream of a license to sin.
See also:
- Giving a Piece of My Mind on Christian Holiness!
- I Have Zero Percent Reason to Believe Antinomian "Christians" Know What God's Grace Really Is!
- I'm Annoyed at Those Heretics Who Insist in the Heresy of Changeless Christianity
- I Get Frustrated Listening to "Easy Christianity's" Followers
- I Guess This John Calvin Quote Is Why "Easy Christians" Say Reformed Theology Makes Salvation Too Complicated
- I Have Zero Percent Reason to Believe Antinomian "Christians" Know What God's Grace Really Is!
- I Have No Reason to Believe God Won't Sanctify Those He Saves!
- I Have No Reason to Believe in the Doctrine of Carnal Christianity
- I Have No Reason to Believe Those Who Think That They Have a License to Sin Are Once Saved, Always Saved
- I Have No Reason to Trust My Own Strength to Do What God Wants Me to Do!
- I Want to Puke Whenever I Hear Antinomian Preachers Who Don't Preach Salvation From Sin!
- I'm Annoyed at Those Heretics Who Insist in the Heresy of Changeless Christianity
- I'm So Frustrated at How Some People Continue to Teach the Heresy of Fruitless Christianity
- I'm Telling Those Sin Loving Fools Who Claim to Be Christians That They Might as Well Ask Satan to Deliver Them in Their Times of Trouble!
- Reflection on Jesus' Call for Me to Be Holy By God's Grace
- Renewing My Mind Isn't an Easy Task, God Help Me
- When I Fail to Pray to God For Guidance, I Fail to Do Good When I Should
- Why I Believe Struggling Against Sin is a Fruit of Genuine Christianity