I Have Zero Percent Reason to Believe Antinomian "Christians" Know What God's Grace Really Is!
The followers of Antinomian "Christianity" tell anyone who goes against their teaching that people may get saved but still remain the same that they're "judgmental". What results to many headaches is that these people continue to insist that they're saved but they are living in sin. When they're warned that they're false converts all they do is throw mud at people who lovingly warn them about their apostasy. I've experienced the smears that these "Easy Christians" throw as well every time I declare the timeless truth that nobody can get saved and still remain the same. All the name callings they have done to me aren't surprising and most of them are based on little or no evidence. They say they are saved by grace but do they really know what grace is? I have zero percent to believe they know what God's grace is. Instead, they have their own definition of grace that doesn't fit at all with the Scriptures. Such people decide that God's grace means they're free to break the law and to sin all they want. To be an Antinomian means to be against law.
They would rather enjoy their heresy rather than they would have their illusions destroyed. Their false sense of security is a dangerous thing. Many people today would take a wrong teaching that has them comfortable in their sins. It's so frustrating to see people who teach that you can be saved and still remain the same. Although they may say that they teach that you can have a license to sin but they are indirectly teaching that. To say that Christians may remain the same after salvation already insinuates that salvation is a license to sin. When people get saved, the characteristic of a true believer is that such people have reverential fear for the LORD, they don't love sin and that they seek to please Him in gratitude for saving them. I have zero percent to believe that anybody can be truly saved and have no reverential fear of the LORD.
But today, the doctrine of once saved always saved has become once prayed assuming saved which is nothing more than false assurance and false conversion. We have many people today who supposedly said a prayer but their lifestyles are degenerate. The bigger fault is not in the sinner's prayer but in the evangelism. Many preachers today are cowards who choose not to offend anyone. Others are just concerned about filling their pulpits than having true conversions. Leonard Ravenhill didn't care if he only had ten true converts since having 1,000 false converts is a huge problem for the church. How often have many quack preachers in the pulpit today throw away the doctrine of regeneration and sanctification. Instead of warning false converts that they're false converts they simply tell them that they're Christians and they shouldn't even do it. What's worse is that these people show more signs that they're not saved yet they're never warned that they're false converts.
The more I study the Bible for myself, the more I'm convinced that nobody can be saved by God's grace and live a life of sin. 1 Corinthians 6:11 specifically tells us salvation delivers people from a life of sin. I don't claim to be sinlessly perfect and neither is my flesh 100% nailed to the cross. But just because I'm not sinlessly perfect doesn't mean I can live like the rest of the world. Matthew 1:21 declares that Jesus came to save people from their sins and not in their sins. To become a Christian it's a daily process that a person becomes more like Christ. True a Christian can fall into states of carnality (1 Corinthians 3:1) but they can't be left to carnal thoughts indefinitely. The idea of a perpetually carnal Christian has become one of the worst damning heresies ever. It's sent many people to Hell thinking they're saved but they have a false sense of security.
It just reminded me of George Sodini's shooting incident last August 4, 2009. The pastor declared him to be a Christian and was going to Heaven without reward. No, Sodini himself was a false convert and he's in Hell right now. It wasn't the doctrine of eternal security that caused him to do what he did. Muslims don't believe in eternal security yet they do their bloody rampages. The problem was that the doctrine of regeneration was so thrown out of that church. To even teach anybody has a license to sin or has God's permission to sin is really degenerate and carnal in their thinking. The Bible warns in Romans 8:7 that a carnal mind is in enmity against God. You cannot be a Christian and never have any spiritual mindedness. A Christian may have some carnality in their mind but they can't be perpetually carnal. No true Christian would ever think it's okay to sin because for a true Christian they stick to the truth it's never okay to sin.
If you think you've got a license to sin then you really are a false convert. You can go ahead and shake your fist at me but it doesn't change the truth. Nobody can be saved and still live the same. Those who are truly saved want to live differently from the rest of the world. Only false converts think that God's grace is a license to sin. There's really no license to sin and there's no such thing as saved people who aren't saved from their sins.