I'm Telling Those Sin Loving Fools Who Claim to Be Christians That They Might as Well Ask Satan to Deliver Them in Their Times of Trouble!
There's this statement I love to emphasize: you can't love a holy God and hate holiness and everything to do with holiness. I'm sorry but the Bible says if you love sin then you're a servant of sin. If you really want to be saved only from the penalty of sin then not from sin itself that's absolutely 100% unbiblical. Here's what the Bible says about it:
Romans 6:16-18 - Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness.
God never offers salvation just for the sake of delivering people from eternal damnation without saving them from sin which is what caused it in the first place. The very idea that a person can get saved and remain the same as before is 100% not biblical. Whenever I start telling these people the verses, they even dare to turn the Christian's life of good works to something "optional" or "just for rewards" rather than the truth that they are the inevitable result of salvation. God's grace teaches righteous living and it can never be a license to sin (Titus 2:11-14, Jude 1:4).
Do people who say that they have a license to sin ever have the right to claim to be once saved, always saved in the Lord Jesus Christ? My answer to them is no. The Bible doesn't give assurance to people who love their sin that they're even saved. How can a person ever think of a dead faith as saving faith? The answer is a big no. James 2:14-26 says that any faith that produces not works is a sham. Don't argue with me because the Bible is always right even when I'm wrong.
What I want to tell them is that they might as well ask Satan to deliver them instead of God. There's no way that God will ever restore people just so they can gain the pleasure of sinning all over again. Then again, will they even really dare to ask Satan to deliver them in times of trouble? I can't really say but they're already (and indirectly) asking Satan to deliver them whenever they teach that saved people may still remain the same as before or that we've got a license to sin which they teach either directly or indirectly. God is too holy and just not to change people He saves. On the other hand, Satan may be spreading the lie that God allows a license to sin as much as the lie that you're saved by your own good works.