I Get Frustrated Listening to "Easy Christianity's" Followers
The term "Easy Christianity" is something I call for today's easy-easy believism. I don't just want to call it "easy believism" because in due fairness, some so-called "easy believists" still make some distinctions that really make them true converts. They still uphold the difference between true and false conversion. They believe that no Christian can live like the rest of the world because of God's grace. They refuse to believe in the nonsense of believing Christians can remain barren and never bear fruit, still live like devils and still be saved.
I find all of that frustrating because "Easy Christianity" is not even biblical. In whatever form it takes, "Easy Christianity" has turned the grace of God into a license to sin either directly or indirectly. To teach that a Christian may remain barren, never get out of their carnality or may become worse prior to conversion and never bear good fruit is really frustrating. Even when I start opening Titus 2:11-14 and Ephesians 2:8-10, I usually end up hearing, "Well we believe Christians should walk in good works but then, you don't consider Christians can still be as sinful as they want." They misquote Romans 4:5 without being aware that if you're counted for righteousness, shouldn't that start to result in changing one's behavior slow it may be because one got saved?
Wow, that's just very mindblowing isn't it? If a person's saved, shouldn't there be any change in one's life by the grace of God? 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 warn about the marks of the unrighteous and when you're saved, you're redeemed from them. A lifestyle of habitual sin is because you're not saved. A lifestyle freed from that habitual sin is because you're saved. The words "And such were some of you." really shows that no matter how wicked a person was before, God redeems persons from their wickedness in the process of sanctification. Becoming a Christian means getting saved from the penalty of sin, getting saved from sin at a daily process and will be completely saved from sin on the day of redemption.
Wow, that's just very mindblowing isn't it? If a person's saved, shouldn't there be any change in one's life by the grace of God? 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 warn about the marks of the unrighteous and when you're saved, you're redeemed from them. A lifestyle of habitual sin is because you're not saved. A lifestyle freed from that habitual sin is because you're saved. The words "And such were some of you." really shows that no matter how wicked a person was before, God redeems persons from their wickedness in the process of sanctification. Becoming a Christian means getting saved from the penalty of sin, getting saved from sin at a daily process and will be completely saved from sin on the day of redemption.
I'd like to assume that "Easy Christians" really hate sanctification even if some of them admit that they believe God's grace teaches proper living. They're just chewing themselves because grace is not a license to sin. It's not only that a Christian should walk in good works but would walk in good works even if the Christian may stumble but their path is in good works. It's really very different from the teaching that a Christian may remain perpetually barren for the rest of their lives. That's just really not Biblical, is it? Teaching a license to sin is a huge mark one's a false convert of another gospel. It's no different than a gospel of works.
Eternal security is not just merely once saved, always saved. Do they know what eternal security really is? If you're truly saved then your life ought to be different. Eternal security as taught in the Bible is also in 1 John 2:19. Many people today claim to be Christians but their falling away consistently proves they're not saved to start with. Now some people can start out as false converts before becoming true converts. But nobody can be a Christian and then leave the faith. If you're truly saved then that faith in Christ continues.