I Have No Reason to Believe God Won't Sanctify Those He Saves!
I'm getting tired of hearing the heresy that people can get saved and never change. Honestly, I don't see that anywhere in the Bible. If you read through Romans 4:5 properly, you'll realize that the person who is saved is counted for righteousness. Romans 3:31, Titus 2:11-14 and Ephesians 2:8-10 all carry this one truth: God will change the lives of sinners for the better by His grace. Good works is not just a should but it's also a would for Christian living. It's the inevitable fruit for Christian living.
Why I find the idea the idea that a Christian can get saved but never change to be abhorrent is this. Whom God saves He will sanctify because He is holy. Christians may not be perfect but you can't deny how the lifestyle is no longer the same. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 describes how one's lifestyle was different before and after salvation. Christians are not just justified but they are sanctified. Tell me then how can that be a hint that Christians can still stay the same?
I feel those people who want to insist in changeless Christianity are ignoring very important words in Scriptures. If Roman Catholics can purposely misinterpret Matthew 16:18 to make Peter the Rock when the verse tells us that Peter isn't the Rock but he's pointed to the Rock, the Antinomians pretending to be Christians have purposely misinterpreted several verses. Even when I show to them the verses that tells them that they're wrong they still misinterpret it. It just gets really annoying because even if Scripture is clear but they insist on walking in their error. After all, don't unsaved men really love darkness?