Preachers Who Preach Easy "Christianity" Make Me Super Angry

I have no doubt that the Bible is really true so I'm not surprised it's hard to find a good preacher. We've got lazy pastors who even say that expository preaching is a "lazy" and "cheating" method to do preaching. That's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. Do these pastors who say that expository preaching is "lazy" and "cheating" realize that preparing an expository sermon is not an easy job. If anybody's lazy it's those pastors who love to do out of context preaching. I get angry whenever they attack sound preaching but also insist in the path of easy "Christianity". 

What's worse is that some of these lazy pastors and other opponents of expository preaching are already committing strawman attacks and character assassinations towards expository preaching. One of the worst attacks I've heard from some "Baptist" heretic I had a terrible argument with that the old time preachers John Gill and Charles H. Spurgeon or modern preachers like John F. MacArthur and Paul David Washer can't be Baptists because they're "Calvinist Jesuits". His biggest "proof" that John Calvin supposedly never left Catholicism was that he went to the same school with Ignatius of Loyola namely the University of Paris. The fallacy is stupid because even if Loyola and Calvin once went to the same school but that doesn't make them comrades. Let's just say if a notorious criminal and I used to go to the same university but that doesn't make me his associate. That guy needs to check his facts first! When given with facts he just proceeds to do his usual immature behavior insisting in his out of context. Worse, he even insists that it's possible to be saved and remain the same. After showing him several verses he just got personal and started smearing me with nonsense attacks. That's just a small view of what's really going on. I still feel my blood boil whenever I remember that argument I had with that fellow who insisted in the heresy of carnal Christianity. 

True faith according to the Scriptures produces good works as a result. Romans 3:31 says that faith fulfills the Law so please don't use Romans 4:5 as an argument to justify living in sin or to justify the doctrine of carnal Christianity. 1 Corinthians 6:11 reveals that true salvation means that there's going to be a change. Ephesians 2:10 says that Christians are equipped unto good works. Titus 2:11-14 says that God's grace teaches righteous living. None of them contradict what James 2:14-26 say that true faith results to works and a faith that has no works is not real faith. In short, I don't see ANY good reason to even buy the heresy that you can get saved and still remain the same. When the Reformers upheld the truth that salvation is by faith alone then also mentioned this faith is never alone. It's not an invention of the Reformers but a biblical truth. To say that it's just an invention of the Reformers is to deny biblical truth that true faith produces good works as a result. Though good works don't save but good works are produced out of being saved.

Do you know that the Bible gives the characteristics of what it means to be eternally secure? No one can say that they know they're eternally secure yet they have a wanton love for sin. I have no reason to believe that George Sodini was ever a Christian nor his church that endorsed him as a true convert to be a Christian assembly. The idea that anybody can get saved and remain the same is absolutely nowhere in the Scripture. 1 John 2:19 warns about the characteristics of false converts. The fact that they deserted proved that they weren't saved to start with. Judas Iscariot was definitely no Christian nor was he once saved. Every action he did gave evidence that his following the Lord was a false following. He looked like he gave his life to Jesus but in truth he was just a pretender. The Apostle John may have had Judas Iscariot in mind when he wrote his first epistle. His habitual thief and a lying con artist attitude showed his degeneracy. Christians may not be perfect. They may struggle with sin daily in their lives but they don't live like the rest of the world. No Christian is ever saved and loving sin. Only false converts teach and think that they've got a license to sin. Genuine converts don't want to sin anymore. So I don't want to buy for a second that you can believe once and you're still saved even if you don't believe afterwards. 

There's one thing I can say and I'm so angry that I can't contain it anymore. The doctrine of the carnal Christian is just as dangerous as works salvation. If you've got a lot of people thinking they're on their way to Heaven because they've been morally good by worldly standards then take note that we've got a lot of false converts today who think they're Christians even if their lives suggest otherwise. The worst problem is that we've got people supposedly getting saved but their lives provide no evidence. They live like the rest of the world and what's worse is that when they die they're preached "straight into Heaven" even if they were false converts. Worse, they call me a Pharisee "fruit inspector" but didn't Jesus warn in Matthew 7:16-20 that by their fruits they will be known? They might as well call Jesus a Pharisee for saying that. I have no reason to think that such people are my brothers and sisters in Christ if they claim to be saved but love to sin. A love for iniquity is definitely a mark of someone who's degenerate. 

Do they even realize that God is too holy and loving to save them but never change them for the better? I guess they never care about holiness because they think that they're "saved" and they're fine just because at one moment they "prayed a prayer". While some people do get saved in sinner's prayer evangelism but not because of it but in spite of it. It's because some pastors who use sinner's prayer evangelism aren't preaching a watered down presentation of the Gospel but they're giving the right picture of the Gospel. Such pastors confront false converts and tell them that they're heading straight for Hell. I commend them for that and I personally have nothing against sinner's prayer evangelism. But I'm afraid that method is now used and abused. Jesus never said, "Who wants to accept them into their hearts?" but said, "Repent ye and believe the Gospel!" If you think of using Revelation 3:20 here's what. True conversion creates true fellowship with God which conforms the Christian to true holiness. Even if this fellowship is momentarily broken but God always finds a way to get people back on track. But those false converts are just destined to break in times of testing because they're not true converts.

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