I See No Reason to Believe That Faith Without Works Isn't Good as Dead!

This degenerate didn't lose his salvation... the person was
NEVER saved to start with and the evidence was in one's own
While I simply won't spend time naming names of the followers of "Easy Christianity" and attacking them one by one because they expose themselves, I simply want to focus my thoughts on why I believe in the truth that a faith without works is not real faith to start with. Many will start to say that I'm teaching works salvation, that I'm a closet Roman Catholic agent or that I never left it (don't make me laugh) or whatever false accusations (with very loose evidence) that they can think of. There's one truth in Scripture we need to face that faith without works is dead. I didn't teach it but the Bible did. Get mad at me all you want but you can't change the truth that faith that doesn't result to works is as good as dead.

These people can go ahead and say that Romans 4:5 says that faith is not by works and it's to him that works not. It's true that faith is not by works but do they ignore the doctrine of sanctification and the new life of every saved person? Nobody ever gets saved by one's own personal merit. Before they throw Romans 4:5 on my face to justify the heresy of dead faith is a saving faith, they need to read Romans 3:31 which tells us that faith doesn't make the law void. Instead, faith establishes the law. If you're truly saved then there will be a change in one's lifestyle. It's not a faith that is dead, that doesn't produce fruit, good works are not just an obligation to the Christian but it's also the delight in them. During the law, it remained only an obligation. But under grace, Christians do good works with the desire to fulfill their obligation. The difference was that before, the Law was the schoolmaster but now faith in Christ has made it much easier to follow the Law than when it started.

When your faith isn't real, you're like taking expired
medicines when you're sick!
The problem of saying dead faith is saving faith is in complete contradiction to each other. Dead faith is like taking expired medicine when you're sick then you're expecting yourself to get well from your sickness. I challenge these easy believist "Christians" to take expired medicine when they're sick and say they are cured even if there's no effect. We may also want to compare these dead faith to fake medicines. A dead faith is a fake faith. Can you get well taking fake medicines? Instead, taking these fake medicines to heal yourself of your sickness may end up making you worse or even kill you in the process. They may come in pretty "cheap" but cheap grace isn't real grace. Grace is free but it doesn't come cheap. To have this grace against sin, the Father willingly gave up His own Son as the cost to pay for these sins. Jesus came to die for our sins to remove them not to give people the opportunity to indulge in them.

If that faith doesn't slowly but surely cure the person of their sinful lifestyles then it's not real faith to start with. True and living faith has its effects towards the lost sinner's recovery from a lifestyle of sin. One of true faith's effects towards the sinner is that it results to a desire for good works and such faith results to doing good works as a result of faith. James 2:14-26 gives this this warning that we must all heed that faith without works is dead. One can say that it's only dead before men. No, a faith that doesn't generate works is dead. Jesus already warned in Matthew 7:16-20 that by their fruits they shall be known. There's no way that one can get saved and remain the same because that's a huge insult to the holiness and power of God. Faith in Jesus Christ is one's daily medication against the spiritual disease called sin. If that faith doesn't help you against your spiritual disease called sin, you just got worse after taking "faith" then that faith isn't an authentic faith. 

This guy thought he was once saved always saved. Pray
a prayer and live like the rest of the world. Then he learns
the hard way from Scriptures that only false converts
think like that. True converts don't want to live a life of
sin anymore because God has redeemed them.
To say we are saved by grace to defend the stand of faith that never produces works is also very much a severe contradiction. Let me ask them do they know what God's grace really is? Did they read Titus 2:11-14 which says God's grace teaches righteous living? They may say that some people aren't teachable. But God can handle that because He is God. I have every reason to believe that when I'm unteachable, I can ask for God's grace to make me teachable and He will make me teachable. To say that God's grace can keep a person barren for the rest of their lives is just not biblical. Ephesians 2:10 affirms that after salvation that good works are equipped as a result of God's grace. To deny God's life changing power is to deny the true Gospel. The Gospel calls people to be liberated from their sin so good works are inevitable. Those who claim to be saved but live like the rest of the world are just false converts. No true convert will ever think that they have a license to sin.

Good works here contribute nothing to getting saved or staying saved. Instead, it's the inevitable result of one's being saved. No true convert can merrily sing that they are indeed freed from the Law so they sin forevermore. Nor it it possible for any true convert to remain stagnant as they were before. They are freed from the Law as a schoolmaster because they are now saved (Galatians 3:24). Even if they are no longer under the Law but they still will fulfill it because they love it. The Law taught them right from wrong and why we need faith in Jesus Christ. God's Grace makes them love the right from wrong after they are no longer under the Law but they will still fulfill it out of love for that obligation than just obligation itself. If Christians weren't fruit producers then God would have no reason to tend to them but throw them (John 15:1-8). Instead, they are tended because God knows that by His grace they will bear fruit. They aren't perfect that's why God still sanctifies them. They may fall into sin but they cannot love sin because true faith hates sin. This faith is still perfected and because God never stops to seek our faith's perfection, no Christian can truly live so sinfully like the rest of the world. 

Do I even need to state that the Roman Catholic institution is also against the idea that true faith springs forth good works and that these good works do nothing to contribute to maintaining one's salvation? Let me share you these teachings according to the Vatican's official canon which I took from the Just For Catholics website. So by their standard, I'm already condemned as much as I'm condemned by the "canon laws" of "Easy Christianity":
Canon 24. If anyone says that the justice (righteousness) received is not preserved and also not increased before God through good works but that those works are merely the fruits and signs of justification obtained, but not the cause of the increase, let him be anathema. 
Canon 32. If anyone says that the good works of the one justified are in such manner the gifts of God that they are not also the good merits of him justified; or that the one justified by the good works that he performs by the grace of God and the merit of Jesus Christ (of whom one is a living member), the justified does not truly merit an increase of grace, and eternal life, provided that one dies in the state of grace, the attainment of this eternal life, as well as an increase in glory, let him be anathema.

Hmmm now I find myself caught in between conditional security preachers who accuse me of Antinomianism while Antinomians now accuse me of teaching works salvation. I'm really stuck in a rock and a hard place now.