I Believe Roman Catholic Fanatics Are Going to Have More Problems with Pope Francis' Ecumenism

As the 500th anniversary of the Reformation approaches just a few days by now, I thought of one particular article last year that caught my attention. To no surprise, the liberal Pope Francis (who some Roman Catholic fanatics still proudly claim as the true successor of St. Peter) has embraced Lutherans. I've even read how Lutheranism has declined and if there are apostate Baptists then I'm told I should be surprised of apostate Lutherans.

Pope Francis with apostate Lutherans

Here's an excerpt from the Catholic Herald which may cause many fanatical Roman Catholics to tear their hair off in denial or some may even reject Pope Francis. It's because Pope Francis' stand against those he considers Protestants differs from the Roman Catholic fanatic. 
Here in Lund, at this prayer service, we wish to manifest our shared desire to remain one with Christ, so that we may have life. We ask him, “Lord, help us by your grace to be more closely united to you and thus, together, to bear a more effective witness of faith, hope and love”. This is also a moment to thank God for the efforts of our many brothers and sisters from different ecclesial communities who refused to be resigned to division, but instead kept alive the hope of reconciliation among all who believe in the one Lord.
As Catholics and Lutherans, we have undertaken a common journey of reconciliation. Now, in the context of the commemoration of the Reformation of 1517, we have a new opportunity to accept a common path, one that has taken shape over the past fifty years in the ecumenical dialogue between the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church. Nor can we be resigned to the division and distance that our separation has created between us. We have the opportunity to mend a critical moment of our history by moving beyond the controversies and disagreements that have often prevented us from understanding one another.

The new schism: Roman Catholic fanatics reject the Vatican II as an apostate church

Speaking of which, I even found an interesting a self-proclaimed Roman Catholic blog which heavily denounces Pope Francis. It's not all too surprising that I found an article maligning "his holines" Pope Francis. Hmmm do they reject the incumbent Pope Francis as the official Pope? It makes me laugh at how this blog claims to be Roman Catholic but they should ask themselves: who sits in the Vatican as the current Pope? Pope Francis!

What should be interesting is that this fanatical Roman Catholic site also renounces the Vatican II as an "unofficial" church. If the Vatican II Popes aren't Popes then they do have a problem with claimign the "unbroken" succession from Peter up to the current Pope. If they couldn't even think about proving the existence of many non-existent Popes then how can they explain why the Vatican II Popes aren't official Popes? Didn't John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Pope Francis all get elected by the official Roman Catholic institution? 

It should be interesting that they consider Pope Pius XII as the last known Roman Catholic Pope. Their reason? The article pointed this out:
Did Pope Pius XII kiss the Koran? No. John Paul II did.
Did he change the Canon of the Mass? No. John XXIII did.
Did he change the Mass? No. Paul VI did.
Did he go to Mosque, Synagogues, Pagan Temples, etc? No.
Did he profess heresies? NO.
John Paul II did. Benedict XVI did. Francis does.

Their main complaints have always been the fact that the Vatican II Popes embrace other religions. This is contrary to the teaching that there is no salvation outside the Roman Catholic institution. Yet, the official Popes that they have condemned already have a different standard. The Protestants which they hate so much are now considered separated brethren at least outwardly. The only Protestants that will be declared as heretics are those who refuse to compromise.

What is also very interesting is that I found this video from the Vatican Catholic's Youtube channel which tells people to reject Pope Francis as an official Pope. This should be very controversial that while some Roman Catholic fanatics still proudly endorse Pope Francis while others have rejected him. I guess such people wish they were still living in the Dark Ages where conversion to Roman Catholicism was done by force. I guess they wish the Inquisition would still be actively torturing those they consider heretics. I guess they still want to see live bonfires of anyone who they consider as heretics all the while some of them hypocritically reject the death penalty.

The problem is that by rejecting the officially elected Popes, they have condemned themselves one way or another. If they believe that absolute submission to the Pope is vital for salvation then isn't Pope Francis the official Pope of the Roman Catholic institution? Don't tell me that John XIII up to Benedict XVI were not official Popes elected by the said conclave? The official Roman Catholic institution declares Pope Francis as the current successor of Peter. They have already challenged the Vatican Council with what they did. 

Issues Roman Catholic fanatics are divided against Roman Catholics who follow the Vatican II

What should be surprising or not is that the Roman Catholic institution has always had its divisions? Why do you think that the Orthodox churches or the Aglipayan church exist as offshoots of the Roman Catholic faith? There was even some dead guy who declared himself as Pope Pius XIII of the "True Catholic Church" where he renounced John Paul II as an imposter. This alone was already a challenge to the fictitious "chair" of St. Peter.

It was interesting for me to find issues Roman Catholics can be divided over with today. Here are some of the issues where Roman Catholics today are at each others' throats such as:
  1. They may argue a lot about what to think about people of other religions. You have Roman Catholics who still think that you must be a Roman Catholic to be saved while you have Roman Catholics who believe all who live a just life will be saved. The first group has some people who contradict themselves honoring John Paul II and Teresa of Calcutta as Roman Catholic saints (both practiced ecumenism) while going against ecumenism.
  2. How Baptist Christians and Protestant/Evangelical Christians regard Mary in their faith is also a subject of great debate between both groups. You have Roman Catholic fanatics who still spread the malicious lie that Baptist Christians and Protestant Christians hate Mary while other Roman Catholics say otherwise.
  3. The stand of accepting whom they label as Protestants (which sadly and erroneously lump so-called "restoration cults" as Protestants when they are not) as either separated brethren or heretics. You can have Roman Catholic schools quarreling over it. One nun might tell the whole class that they must embrace who they consider Protestants as separated brethren while another nun might tell the whole class otherwise. 

This alone makes me think that the claim of being "indivisible" is laughable. The claim that Rome never changes is laughable because if you read the history of the Roman Catholic institution, various doctrines got introduced overtime even before Pope Pius XII. You may even be surprised that celibacy wasn't always introduced into their erroneous priesthood and the doctrine of the so-called immaculate conception of Mary was debated with the Roman Catholic institution for centuries until December 8, 1854, when Pope Pius IX officially declared it. 

A careful examination would help one conclude how Roman Catholic fanatics are actually dividing their religion than strengthening it. Even Roman Catholic fanatics can be divided among themselves. Others reject ecumenism while they still respect the very much ecumenical Pope Francis as their current Pope or laud it out that John Paul II is now a canonized saint for their religion. Others reject ecumenism and want to reject the Vatican II Council. This is a really huge division in the Roman Catholic institution which may have given birth to more harlot daughters. 

In the end, both Roman Catholic fanatics who reject Pope Francis and those who still follow the incumbent Vatican Council are just as lost as each other

It should be very sad that Roman Catholic fanatics and those who still follow Vatican II are still going to Hell whether they like it or not. The reason is that they both reject the Bible's way of salvation and still insist on faith plus works for salvation. Those who insist that anyone can be saved if they live a good life regardless of religion are going to Hell. Those who insist that outside the Roman Catholic institution and insist you must become a Roman Catholic are still going to Hell nonetheless.

There is one truth in the Scripture and they must face it. Galatians 2:21 says that if righteousness come by following the law or man-made rituals then Christ is dead in vain. The Lord Jesus died for sin because man is not basically good. If good works were needed to get saved or stay saved then Christ is dead in vain. Jesus died for the sin of mankind to liberate men and give them a new life. Hebrews 9:14 states that the blood of Jesus sets us free from dead works. No amount of good works can ever repay for that one tiny sin. James 2:10-11 says that if you have broken even one rule you have fallen from God's perfect standard.

Good works are only good works if they come from anyone who is saved from sin. Jesus said in Matthew 7:16-20 that a good tree cannot produce bad fruit and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. The problem is that men are bad trees. It takes a spiritual rebirth to become a good tree. There is also a difference between salvation that is faith plus works against faith that results in works. The born-again Christian stand is that while salvation is never earned by works but salvation results in good works. That is the good works come out as a result of the new life (1 Corinthians 6:11). To put good works before salvation is forcing the horse to push the cart. It is also asking fruit before the root even takes place. It is also stealing good fruit and hanging it on a bad tree.

Why I join a church, why I got baptized, why I attend the Lord's supper which is served during a special evening service, why I do good works is not in an effort to get saved or to stay saved. When I got saved I grow in the desire to do good works. I want to continue to grow in good works. I have power against sin by the grace of God. Titus 2:11-14 says that God's grace teaches people to resist ungodliness. Ephesians 2:10 says that believers are equipped unto good works. There is no reason for me to believe that I can be saved and I can sin all I want. That kind of teaching is as devilish as works salvation. If you are truly saved then the desire to live clean and holy is there. There is the desire for more good even if the person is still immature in the faith.

The truth of the matter is Jesus Christ is the only Way, the Truth, and the Life. Salvation is not found anywhere else but in Him. What should be so funny is that I run across a Roman Catholic fanatic who ended up refuting himself. He refuted himself when he said that salvation is not in the assembly of the pastor or in tithes and offerings but in Jesus Christ alone. He just condemned himself because he does not believe the truth he just stated. It is just like Balaam prophesying the truth (Numbers 24) but he never believed it. He even prophesied the Messiah's coming yet he died as an unregenerate man. The problem is that both groups reject the only way of salvation by trusting Him alone to rescue them from sin. 

So why do Roman Catholic fanatics and Roman Catholics who still follow Pope Francis still continue to reject the Biblical truth of salvation is by faith alone in Jesus Christ? It is a matter of pride. Ephesians 2:8-9 says that salvation is by grace through faith so none could boast. Yet they want to boast and works salvation appeals to the pride of life. It is also very unpopular to proclaim John 14:6 and such people who still continue to insist on it are unfairly labeled as religious terrorists. There is the call for embracing other peoples' religions as the New World Order is coming together. On the other hand, Roman Catholic fanatics who reject the current Pope as their rightful Pope are still too stuck in their pride as well. Neither side wants to swallow their pride which is choking on them until it is too late (Proverbs 16:18).