I'm Tempted to Return to Conspiracy Theories
There was a time I got fascinated by conspiracy theories. Perhaps the two biggest sources of that fascination with conspiracy theories would be Jesus-is-Savior and Chick Publications. Both David J. Stewart and the late Jack T. Chick are notorious for their highly offensive approach. Others in the fundamentalist circles are Alex Jones of Infowars and Texe Marrs of Conspiracy World. Take what their ministries say with a grain of salt because many of are full of half-truths.
Phil Johnson's Bookmarks of Bad Theology would rightfully describe Jesus-is-Savior as follows:
The first thing you'll notice about this site is how cluttered, disorderly, and tawdry it looks. The content is no different. It's as if the page was constructed with a deliberate effort to eliminate anything that might edify or encourage. This is a seriously ugly muddle of fundamentalist pet issues, 911 Truther propaganda, and various amateur analyses—all thrown in your face with high-decibel, high-velocity force. The webmaster here seems drawn to every repugnant trope that has ever been commandeered in the name of religion—unsightly images, distasteful themes, loathsome tales, sinister gossip, and sensationalized headlines ("Satanism In The Vatican!") He blends these themes with favorite points of fundamentalist controversy and presents them in a way that seems carefully calculated to maximize the shock value. This is not ministry; it is exploitation. It's a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing profitable.
Some people insist that the only way to reach our generation with the gospel is by laboring to seem as cool or as non-confrontational as possible. This guy seems to think the goal is the opposite: to be as cheesy and offensive as possible. Both strategies are equally misguided.
Yup, that's why I've stayed away from both Chick Publications and Jesus-is-Savior. Both publications have also endorsed some really bad pulpits too and never repented of it. Chick Publications still continues to publish the late Alberto Rivera's fraudulent life story, Chick even believes that the Vatican supposedly financed the travels of the late Roy Livesey (who interviewed the priests and nuns in "Catholicism: Crisis of Faith"), and has even ignored Rivera's fraudulent alliance with the late Tony Alamo. Rivera is dead but his deceptive story has been used in some desperate effort to win Roman Catholics. Stewart, on the other hand, still continues to endorse the late Jack Hyles. Stewart who was apparently in jail is now out probably on parole. Stewart also continuously defends to defend Hyles even after well-documented pieces of evidence of sexual abuses. What's the use of criticizing the Vatican if you support perverted pastors and their sexual escapades? It's really stupid for Stewart to criticize Chick when both of them are fundamentalist nutjobs. Worse, I'm afraid their methods of refuting Catholicism and Islam are making both Catholics and Muslims too angry to listen to the Gospel that they need to hear! I used to also endorse Rivera and Hyles until I realized that both of them are charlatans. I also used to endorse Alamo too until I found out he was a degenerate and had several teachings that ddidn't match up with the Bible.
The recent event where the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) is requesting the Filipino faithful Catholics to resist the anti-terrorist bill is something. That incident alone is making me wonder should I go back to conspiracy theories? They do have a lot of selective outrage going on. Need I mention that a lot of Filipino leftists are religious Roman Catholics? Need I mention the selective outrage of the CBCP where they tend to defend the wrong people? They can be seen attending masses and holding hands in public. It looks like not all forms of Communism are atheistic, right? While Karl Marx was an atheist yet some of his principles are used by theists too. There's even the heresy called "Christian" Communism where they use Acts 2:44-45 and Acts 4 to justify their movement. I do believe that the Vatican has something to do with some events yet only God and a few people know what's going on. Is the CBCP that desperate to hide the real history of the Vatican's terrorism through the Inquisition which most Roman Catholics are told was just a "myth"? Sadly, most Roman Catholics living decent lives aren't aware that they're actually manipulated by wolves in sheep's clothing. I need to ask myself do I want to reach out to Roman Catholics and Muslims with the truth or do I want to spend useless chatter talking about the Vatican's dirty history and Islamic terrorism. Note that the average Roman Catholic and the average Muslim today know almost nothing about their violent religious history!
The big issue to think is the Great Commission or the Great Conspiracy? Reading through Stewart's new blog further makes me think that the man is more focused on the Great Conspiracy than the Great Commission. How sure is he that the recent Coronavirus crisis is an inside job? He tried to make it look like Islam had nothing to do with 9/11 while evidence suggests otherwise. The guy seems to be too focused on the Great Conspiracy instead of the Great Commission. I was also once focused on that. Should the Coronavirus truths matter? Yes, they do matter but I believe God will reveal them in due time. No one should be free to write their speculations down as truth.
Right now, I find myself tempted to return to Stewart's and Chick's stupidity after I retired a lot of old articles including my articles meant to ruin people I've had a useless argument with. I remembered I focused too much on Harry Potter, Pokemon, and the like which should just fall away by God's grace. I mean, I can't determine a person is an apostate for watching Harry Potter and Pokemon. However, I can certainly say a person is most likely apostate if he or she is living such a life of sin without remorse or ends up not getting disturbed at LGBT media or even talk highly of it. Right now, I even want to trash Evangelicals spending too much time demonizing Pokemon and Harry Potter (or whatever pet issue they can find) rather than focusing on God's Word. Why should I even spend time arguing whether or not Harry Potter is satanic. Witchcraft is against God's Word but having fake information against Harry Potter is uncalled for. Not a good move if you ask me to go back to my old habit of trying to focus on the leaves when I should be cutting down the bark.
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