Why I Believe the Roman Catholic Institution is Against Death Penalty

Why is the Roman Catholic institution so against the death penalty?  I could still remember the events when the late John Paul II called for an abolition of death penalty worldwide. When he died, his successor the retired Benedict XVI also called for its abolition. I shouldn't be surprised that the first Pope have come from the Jesuit Order. While it's not surprising but I'm still frustrated. The Bible gave the mandate of death penalty against heinous crimes all the while the Roman Catholic institution confuses it for murder. 

The excuse has to do with being "pro-life" but I could talk about a bigger reason. While there are some saved believers who are against death penalty because they think life imprisonment will do better justice but the Roman Catholic institution may have other motives. I doubt it these motives have something to do with being pro-life. Rather, I would dare believe that the Roman Catholic institution going against death penalty has something to do with the dead men's bones both figuratively and literally. 

I could talk about the truth of the Inquisition, the Crusades, Jesuit orchestrated murders and the like. During the "Day of Pardon Mass" the late John Paul II supposedly apologized but I doubt it even half of the truth has been told. The Roman Catholic institution's history has been so full of dirt that's kept away from the average Roman Catholic. I remembered talking about the Inquisition and a Roman Catholic called me a liar. He called me as such not because he was denying the Inquisition. In truth, the average Roman Catholic today is told it's just a myth and they propagate the idea believing it to be so. I guess going against death penalty is an act of covering up the Vatican's filthy history. On the other hand some Bible-believing Christians are against death penalty because of the history of the Inquisition without understanding its full context in the New Testament. 

There's also the truth behind death penalty will harm all people in different economic levels. The death penalty in the Bible would execute both rich and poor found guilty of committing crimes. The Roman Catholic institution has a dirty history of receiving dirty money from criminals. It's not a problem that died with the Dark Ages. No, the Roman Catholic institution receives huge amounts of money from wealthy criminals who have a facade of being "morally good people". What's worse is how often so many people who are called "morally good" are living immoral lives such as habitual adultery, gambling, getting drunk yet people call evil good (Isaiah 5:20). If the death penalty gets reinstated there's the risk that the Roman Catholic institution will run dry on the huge donations from wealthy criminals through their different parishes around the world.

Revelation 17-18 describes the Great Whore to be full of lasciviousness. She's also drunk with the blood of the saints and martyrs. She enjoys the luxurious living of the world. Today, she gets it from wicked men who donate her with much wealth. The priests know how filthy these people are yet the accept these cursed offerings out of their greed. It's hypocritical to talk against the death penalty getting misused and abused when the Roman Catholic institution has been guilty of doing it. The Inquisition has been framing up people for its own convenience. The Jesuit Order has been guilty of orchestrating assassinations to defend the power of the Vatican. Yet today, the Vatican has the whole world fooled that she's the One True Church founded by Jesus Christ last 33 A.D. but she's full of unscriptural practices. But I have the confidence one day she's going to be destroyed and God will give back double for all the crimes she's committed in His Name. 

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