I'm Getting Sick and Tired of the Vatican's Pro-Life Hypocrisy and Anti-Death Penalty Stance

I can't help but condemn the Vatican's continued "pro-life" facade. While I can agree with the Vatican on certain issues like the divinity of Christ but I can't agree with them on other issues like how they put too much importance on Jesus' earthly mother Mary or the Rosary. The same goes that I do agree with the use of due process but I can't agree with the Vatican's stand against death penalty. The hypocrisy still sickens me and still sickens me. The Vatican pretends to be the true church that Jesus built based on a severe misinterpretation of Matthew 16:18. It's always been one lie begetting another. The Roman Catholic institution is built on lies from Peter as the supposed first Pope to making Mary a co-mediator to other lies all because Scripture is taken straight out of context. The same goes for their hypocrisy of going against the death penalty. I just can't agree with the Vatican about death penalty because of what the Scriptures have to say. 

The death penalty is supported by the Scriptures

The problem can be traced with quoting from the Old Testament whenever it's convenient. They defend the legitimacy of their heretical priesthood by quoting from the Old Testament but dismiss the rest. They may say that death penalty is just so Old Testament and may even go as far as to say that the Old Testament is totally irrelevant. While the ceremonial law like forbidding the eating of pork and bacon are indeed irrelevant under the New Testament but the moral law still exists today. Anything condemned as morally wrong in the Old Testament is still as wrong. The Ten Commandments is still relevant today. Christians have the freedom to eat bacon and shrimp but they definitely don't have the freedom to commit acts of immorality prohibited in the Old Testament. The death penalty is still commanded in the New Testament (Romans 13:1-3). The sword is used for killing and not for planting onions. 

The favorite verse they love to misquote is Exodus 20:13 which says, "Thou shalt not kill." or the Hebrew word for kill is "rasah". A lack of understanding of the context of the word "kill" has often led to misunderstandings. The same God who forbade murder also commanded the Israelites to put to death wicked civilizations. I'm getting annoyed by how some Roman Catholics tend to tell me that I shouldn't even drag Moses and the Hebrews to support the death penalty because it's Old Testament. All the while the same group still quotes from the Old Testament to support their illegitimate priesthood that lacks a lot of items God required priests to wear in the Old Testament. Sure they have miters and robes but where is the rest of the uniform? It's safe to say that they're only using the Old Testament only when it's convenient. 

If they read through the Bible, God ordered the death penalty. The death penalty was meant to protect the right to life. It involved a rigid process that also punished certain types of perjury with death (Deuteronomy 19:16-21). God ordered the death penalty not as an act of revenge but of justice. It's true that death penalty can't bring back the dead victims but there's another issue. Do you want criminals to go after you next? Sometimes, I want to ask those who are against the death penalty if they're against self-defense or would they allow themselves to be murdered. Sometimes, you need to kill someone to save someone. Let's just say that a dangerous criminal is already causing trouble so you really may have no choice but to fire a bullet or in ancient times fire an arrow to save a victim. Executing false witnesses who could have caused an innocent person to die or locking them up in jail as they intended the innocent person to be locked up should also discourage perjury in court.

Worse, some of these Roman Catholics have gone as far as to say that Sola Scriptura or Scripture alone condones to certain evils. That claim alone is very unsubstantiated and a dangerous act of blasphemy. Are they implying that God was wrong in asking the Israelites to put to death all the wicked civilizations for their wickedness? If so, they better be very careful because to say that God has evil is a complete act of blasphemy. God is so holy He can't sin and He's so perfect He can never be wrong. Who else gave the Scriptures or inspired its writers not to make mistakes but God Himself? Also if they bring back the slavery issue know that the Bible actually encourages proper treatment of slaves. It's all about context and Sola Scriptura doesn't condone to certain evils because God said it then you ought to do it!

I support the right of due process as part of death penalty but the Vatican has ulterior motives for going against death penalty

I could agree with the Roman Catholic institution on the fact that there's always the presumption of innocence before guilt. That stand is biblical. God didn't just order the death penalty but also put a valid system that would spare the guilty and punish the innocent. Before one uses the situation of Jesus as a stand against death penalty then please consider what really happened. The Pharisees were taking the law into their hands. In John 8:1-11, the problem was that the Pharisees should have taken the woman to the Roman court and not to Jesus. It was a mock trial to start with and there's another law that many may have ignored in Deuteronomy 22:22. It required both the man and the woman to be executed. For Jesus' unfair execution it was a mock trial to start with.

I'd like to give a situation for the death penalty. The death penalty is like everyday objects we use that can either benefit or kill. The problem with anti-death penalty opponents is that they don't see that the death penalty is comparable to knives, axes and hammers. It's supposedly meant to protect or benefit society but it can be abused. Based on their logic if somebody died because a murderer used a knife, an axe or a hammer to murder someone then we must also ban their use because someone died from them. The death penalty is like the sword or a gun to a law enforcer. It's all about defensive usage of the death penalty. Any soldier who misuses their sword or gun will be liable. Any government that misuses the death penalty will also be held liable. While one can ban certain items because they're too dangerous (ex. banning the use of pesticides that actually do harm than good) but certain dangerous objects are stuff that we can't do without like knives and guns. 

I also suspect that the Vatican's real motive is to protect big time crooks who give them a lot of money. It's stupid to condemn born again Christians as people who supposedly teach a license to sin while calling their lifestyles as "dull" because they don't live like the rest of the world or choose to be unpopular with the world. If they're so concerned about real holiness then why are they still sheltering dangerous criminals for giving huge donations? They may go ahead and reason that the Church isn't a museum of righteous saints but a hospital for sinners. That statement alone is a half-truth. The Church is both a museum of righteous saints (those who have been put right with God and given a changed life) and a hospital for sinners but only those who are repentant. I also suspect it's because a lot of Roman Catholic priests have done crimes that should deserve the death penalty like raping children or murdering their own illegitimate children through abortion or newborn infanticide. 

Have we forgotten the bloody history of the Vatican?

One bigger problem is that many have forgotten about the dark history of the Roman Catholic institution as found in the Foxe's Book of Martyrs or any other scholarly book about the Inqusition. It's crazy to say that the Roman Catholic institution is "pro life" never mind all the murders done in the name of God. John 16:2 already warned that there will come a time that those who murder Christians think that they're doing God great service. Many were murdered by the Roman Catholic institution all in the name of Christ. Christians were put to fire for supposedly worshiping the Devil by the covert Devil-worshiping organization known as the Roman Catholic institution.

Some Roman Catholics want to dismiss the whole Inquisition just as a "myth" even after the late John Paul II supposedly apologized for them and so did Pope Francis. Even if they apologized it can't be denied that the Vatican has a lot to answer for. I would want to believe that the Vatican wants everyone to forget the Inquisition as just another myth. Every time I bring the Inquisition up some Roman Catholics say that I was just "misled" by born again Christian pastors and that I'm stupid for leaving such a well-loved organization. Now the problem kicks in because by admitting that they're well-loved by the world they prove that they're of this world (John 15:18-19). 

Should I also mention that the Inquisition usually held mock trials that didn't respect the right of due process? It's stupid to cry foul to the idea of executing false witnesses but complain why the innocent are getting punished. It's because nobody really has strict rules against perjury that's why the innocent are getting punished. After reading Foxe's Book of Martyrs I wasn't a bit surprised at how some executions and arrests by the Inquisition are all based on hearsay. It's stupid to condemn police brutality all the while dismissing all the unethical interrogation methods of the Inquisition. After reading whatever methods they did just made me want to puke at how brutal these methods are.

With this in mind, the Vatican's really going to get its due one of these days. Right now, the only thing that's needed is to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not everyone will respond. With the doctrine of election in mind there's the call to preach but not everyone will believe. Nobody can believe because they're hardened in sin. Only God can open the eyes of the lost. Right now, God's still giving His call in Revelation 18:4-5 calling His people out of Babylon.

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