Why I Support the Biblical Recommendation of Death Penalty

People tell me that I'm "outdated" and worse, some of them even tell me that the Vatican II Council already condemned the death penalty. Sorry but I'm not the Pope's lapdog or papal bootlicker. I'm a born again Christian saved by God's grace from my sins. I don't care what the Pope or the Council of Trent declares because they're not the final authority. I believe that the Vatican just wants everyone to forget the atrocities of the Inquisition and the Crusades so they go against death penalty.

Many people have their objections that it's barbaric and cruel. So are they saying God who ORDAINED the death penalty is barbaric and cruel? Many say yes God is cruel never mind that many of them HATE holiness. Many of them think that there's no such thing as good or evil and it's relative while they hypocritically cry foul when they're victims of sin. But the reality is death penalty is actually self-defense for the society, not revenge. Whether the person is shot on the spot for trying to do serious harm or have them tried for several crimes, it's been a matter of defending society. Just as justice is social and revenge is personal the same goes for death penalty.

Let me ask them which is really barbaric and cruel? Putting a person to death for crimes worthy of death or letting criminals run free to wreck havoc to society? I'm afraid that many times the "human rights movement" has been defending the right to do wrong instead of the right to live safely and punish wrong. Many crimes today go unpunished because of a flimsy justice system. Ecclesiastes 8:11 says, "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."

I'm not suggesting a rush trial or a kangaroo court. No, I'm talking about that once the person is confirmed guilty then they must be put to death immediately. To ensure validity in the trials, the Bible carries out its recommendations that there must be at least two or more valid witnesses to testify the case. Deuteronomy 24:7 also declares that any false witness should be punished accordingly. One reason why death penalty doesn't work today is not only because of dilly dallying in the court but also because perjury isn't treated as a criminal offense. Lying in court could have killed an innocent person and why should those guilty of perjury just be given a slap in the wrist instead of the sentence they intended for the person? Without punishment of perjury as a criminal offense, don't be surprised to why many innocent people today suffer and the guilty run free.

Acts 25:11, Romans 13:1-4 and Revelation 13:10 are New Testament Scriptures that SUPPORT the death penalty. Many people just love to use the "It's just Old Testament!" to defend their error. If the Old Testament just "passed away into obscurity" then the Ten Commandments, child discipline and whatever is recommended under the moral law shouldn't be allowed. Then human sacrifices which are condoned in the Pentateuch should be allowed. Most people don't realize that even when the ceremonial laws are no longer applicable and Christians may eat bacon wrapped in shrimp but the Old Testament moral law still remains. Even if Christians aren't commanded to stone homosexuals but homosexuality remains just as wrong.

The death penalty is in no way murder. Murder is unlawful killing. When God commanded the Israelites to carry out death against the Canaanites, it's because the latter were a murderous bunch of heathens. God always commanded death against wicked civilizations. He authored your life and He has the RIGHT to take it away from you. I don't care what people have to say about death penalty as being "wrong" because political correctness is really nothing more than enmity with God's holy standards.