Giving a Piece of Mind to Why Many Roman Catholic Apologists Say That Death Penalty Is "Unbiblical"

I remembered some few months ago, Pope Francis had called death penalty as "unbiblical". Even when Roman Catholics say they're discerning but many of them don't discern. Many of them act like when a priest says something they do it without discerning. That's very different from born again Christians who are told to discern everything FROM THE SCRIPTURE because you might be misled by a wicked pastor. But most Roman Catholics may just be willing to commit suicide at the mere command of a priest. I'm also talking about some Roman Catholics who oppose certain economic or political policies that may improve a nation's well-being all because the priest told them so.

When it comes to conversing with Roman Catholic apologists, I'm not surprised at how often they take Scriptures out of context, they don't bother reading the verses in context, they tend to be very emotional, they react before the other party's finished or reading the posts so I'm not surprised with how they take Scriptures out of context. They also have the bad habit of appealing to the Old Testament to justify their "priesthood" (and a lot of stuff are missing) but they say, "That's Old Testament." to dismiss anything that they're not comfortable with. Then of course, misquote "Thou shalt not kill." without understanding what it means. The more accurate translation in modern English is, "Thou shalt not murder."

The standard argument is that Jesus said to the crowd of Pharisees, "Let he who sinned not cast the first stone." Did Jesus go against the death penalty? Let's read it into context. John 8:1-11 tells us the whole story. We read in John 8:6 that says that they wanted to trap Him. Now here's the problem. It wasn't about the death penalty. This was a hasty, mock trial. Plus, for death penalty to happen there's a proper due process. Where was the proper due process? This was a distortion of justice. When it came to execution for adultery both the man and the woman were to be executed. Leviticus 20:10 says, "If a man commits adultery with the wife of an Israelite, both he and the woman shall be put to death." Consensual adultery is a two way affair. Lusting after a woman may break the standard for adultery but it wasn't punishable by death under civil laws until crimes like rape, fornication or adultery happens as a result of it. In the case of consensual adultery it takes two to tango. So where was the man? A person may be spared from death for a sin out of ignorance but consensual adultery is another issue.

One of the dumbest excuses I've heard is that the incumbent Pope signed a document. During the reign of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, he formally signed a document that declared death penalty as barbaric. Others appeal to the United Nations and Amnesty International. I don't care about political correctness. I don't care if everyone says same sex marriage is okay because in God's eyes it's not okay. Problem is today, people just want to please everyone rather than please God. In trying to please everyone, one blunder after the other is "made right" even when it can never be right. The same goes for death penalty. I guess this is all a tactic to make people forget the Inquisition where millions of people were unjustly put to death. Then you have the Roman Catholic priests saying we have no right to judge corrupt politicians while they're judging rulers who put criminals to death. Oh the hypocrisy. Those priests are receiving a lot of money from criminals who have harmed a lot of people yet they claim to be pro-life. 

Besides, I guess they better tell God that death penalty is unbiblical. God ordained the death penalty to punish murder and similar crimes. The death penalty was meant to follow the principle that every punishment must be met with the gravity of the crime. God ordered the destruction of the Canaanites because of sin. God didn't allow the Israelites to move forward until Achan was executed. Samuel had to slay Agag. Elijah had the murderous prophets of Baal put to death. Athaliah had to be put to death for murdering her own family. The problem wasn't death penalty in itself but who was getting executed. Naboth's death wasn't death penalty but murder because the death penalty was meant for people who really committed crimes against life. Naboth's murder didn't go unnoticed leading to the miserable ends of Ahab and Jezebel. Haman also deserved the death penalty for nearly destroying the people of God just because Mordecai won't bow down to him. God ordained the death penalty so there's no right to abandon it.