I Believe Many People Today Have Spiritual Diabetes No Thanks to Sugar-Coated Preaching

Do you remember one of the most unhealthy habits that people do? It's been an unhealthy habit that many people are always adding sugar to almost everything to make it taste sweeter. Don't get me wrong I do use sugar but the problem is that they prefer the sweeter white sugar. While the body does need sugar but the problem is having too much sugar instead of avoiding excess sugar.  Unrefined sugar isn't as sweet as refined sugar. I remembered how some people prefer to use white sugar because it tastes sweeter than unrefined sugar which has more nutrients. The refined sugar appears white and it's sweeter but it's lost all its nutrients from the chemical treatments just to make refined sugar. In turn, this may also lead to diabetes. 

It's a popular trend today to sugar-coat the preaching of the Word of God. The Bible warns of the following about sugar coated preaching:
2 Timothy 4:3-4 
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

If you add sugar to anything that doesn't taste so good but it's supposedly good for you then you're not getting the full nutritional value. What's the point of having nutritious food and drinks if you're going to keep adding tons of refined sugar so it will taste sweeter than eat them as is? Unfortunately, the problem isn't limited only in the diets of people but also in the pulpits. You have pastors today who think that it's better to have a popular and appealing presentation of the Gospel instead of the hard facts. What they do is that they end up sugar-coating the Gospel message by not revealing the hard facts. What good is having a Gospel message then if it's sugar-coated just to make it more palatable to the sinner who needs to hear the hard truth? 

Just because a pastor is popular doesn't mean he's right with God. I'm reminded of how false prophets end up becoming more popular than the prophets of God. Elijah was an outcast and the wicked reign of Ahab and Jezebel persecuted the true prophets. Jeremiah wasn't popular because he wouldn't preach an easy message. Jesus' earthly ministry was only popular during the miracles but when He preached the Gospel many turned away. The Christian ministry was never about having a nice day or a good time all the time. This is the bitter truth that you must chew and swallow down for your own spiritual well-being. If diabetics should have certain bitter remedies to minimize their blood sugars then people need the bitter truth for them to realize their need for salvation. 

For a bit of interesting information I would also use the link of too much sugar and diabetes to illustrate my point. There are some hereditary factors but some of them are linked to the consequences of eating too much sugar. Here's an excerpt from Everyday Health's article on "Can Eating Too Much Sugar Cause Type 2 Diabetes?":
The sugars in food are known as simple carbohydrates and are natural components of many fresh foods, such as the lactose in milk and the fructose in fruits. A healthy, well-balanced diet will always contain these natural sugars. 
But the problem with sugar is the sheer amount of it that’s found in the typical American diet, especially in the form of added sugars: the sucrose in table sugar, as well as sugars in foods such as sodas, cereals, packaged foods, and snacks. When consumed in excess, added sugars can cause weight gain, heart disease, mood swings, and more. 
A high-sugar diet can certainly increase diabetes risk: Adding just one serving of a sweetened beverage to your diet each day ups risk by 15 percent, found a study from the Harvard School of Public Health, published in November 2010 in Diabetes Care. But excess calories that come from both carbohydrates and fats can also contribute to the development of diabetes by leading to overweight or obesity. 
One particular type of sugar that has attracted a lot of negative attention is high-fructose corn syrup. Because it’s a relatively cheap ingredient, high fructose corn syrup has become the most commonly used sweetener in processed foods. Like table sugar, it causes blood sugar spikes and may contribute to weight gain. 
Although high fructose corn syrup has been vilified for decades, researchers are now finding that added sweeteners of all kinds affect the body similarly — and all are bad. In a study published in April 2009 in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, scientists found that consuming three sweetened drinks a day for 10 weeks resulted in a nearly 4-pound weight gain and added nearly an extra inch to the waistline, regardless of whether the sweetener was fructose or glucose. Even worse, consuming these sweeteners — fructose in particular — led to decreased insulin sensitivity and higher blood sugar levels, the hallmark predictors of diabetes.

A high sugar diet is already risky enough for the body then how much more is a high sugar preaching dangerous for one's soul. It would probably result to spiritual obesity and laziness. While sugar may not always be a direct cause of diabetes but it certainly helps contribute to it. I remembered how some people I knew drank too much carbonated drinks and now they're diabetic.  More people today would rather listen to the sugar coated preaching. Their souls are already so high in sugar that they have become easy prey. The fact that too much sugar is also bad for the heart also helps me think of how bad for the heart a high sugar preaching leads to spiritual heart problems. Their hearts are hardened from the truth no thanks to sugar-coated preaching. The result could lead to certain areas of the body rotting from within to without. It's no wonder why so many people today are so rotten no thanks to them being spiritual diabetics no thanks to sugar-coating by false prophets.

Nobody and I mean nobody really gets a real conversion from hearing a sugar-coated preaching from a quack preacher. All it does is create false converts. It's already a dangerous trend that just because someone supposedly made a decision for Christ or a profession of faith that they're saved even if these decisions and professions were false. Many pray the sinner's prayer but don't even understand the Gospel. While some people got saved from sinner's prayer type of evangelism it's because they weren't given a watered down message. But it's a problem that many think that they can get saved and stay the same. They swallow all this excess sugar from preachers who choose to be clowns entertaining goats than pastors tending to the sheep. Worse, if you tell them to examine themselves they would throw in their worst accusations because they believe that they want to enjoy their sin.

It's never been your best life now. It's never been Jesus died so you can be happy, healthy and wealthy all the time. He's not just Savior but He's also Lord. There's no such thing as Madison Avenue Jesus. He's not just my personal Savior but I'm also His personal servant and He's my personal Lord. This personal relationship I have is that He's my Lord and Savior. He's my Savior from sin. It's a bitter truth that Christianity may cost you your life. There's a high cost but there's also the infinite value of following Jesus. If you'll stand by Jesus then expect the world to hate you. That's the bitter truth that must be told without compromise. No bitter truth then no real saving knowledge. Either you swallow truth without sugar or you don't.

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