Why I Believe God Isn't Done Yet with Israel

My current study of Ezekiel leads to a new doctrinal footnote called "Israel in Prophecy". The doctrine says that the energy that keeps God's prophetic clock running on schedule is the Jewish nation. The very chapter it's found is in Ezekiel 37 which is about the Valley of the Dry Bones. This is where the spiritual deadness of man is found and only by a quickening of the Holy Spirit can a real revival happen. Israel in itself still plays a role in prophecy. What God starts then He is bound to finish it. God can't lie and Israel is one of the many pieces of evidence that He can't lie. 

What shows that Israel is still active in God's plan? There are many attempts to destroy Israel. You can talk about how God had preserved Israel throughout history for the sake of a few saved Jews. Adolf Hitler tried to wipe out the whole Jewish race from Europe during the Second World War and failed. The enemies of Israel are still trying to corner the nation and destroy it but failed. Today, Israel still enjoys many material blessings. God is still keeping Israel alive even if a lot of Jews today reject Jesus Christ as their Messiah. You can see how God still preserves Israel because He is not yet done with it. Even today, Israel is still preserved because a nation stays a nation until God says so. Many nations like Edom, Tyre, Assyria, Moab, and Ammon no longer exist. The Assyrian Empire is but a memory. Both Assyria and Babylon are now part of modern-day Iraq. Today, Moab and Ammon are no longer separate countries but are part of Jordan as part of the Arab nations. Yet, Israel still remains as a country. God has been so good to preserve Israel even if the nation is so full of Christ-rejecting Jews. Thank God that there are some Israeli Christians who are part of the faithful remnant keeping it alive.

Israel will be needed to fit in both after the Tribulation and during the Millennial Kingdom. When God says something - He really means it. That's why some plans like destroying Israel off the face of the globe can't happen. That's why plans to rebuild Tyre under Alexander the Great were shot down. Tyre was to be never rebuilt. Tyre and Sidon are but a part of Lebanon today. The Great Tribulation of the global reign of the Antichrist will happen in Israel. If Israel were out of the globe then the Antichrist can't have his reign on the country. The Battle of Armaggedon will take place in Megiddo which is in Israel. God is keeping Israel alive for a reason. It's because God's purpose with Israel is still there. It's because Israel is where the Millennial Kingdom will be centered at. Romans 11:26 has Paul expressing that all Israel shall be saved which is set to happen during the Great Tribulation. Later, Jesus establishes His 1,000 year earthly Kingdom in Israel.

One sure confidence in God's promises is seeing how God still preserves Israel to this very day. How many wars did Israel endure yet God has preserved it even for a bunch of hardheaded Jews who still reject the Messiah? What's so sad is that many unsaved Jews are still stuck with their Judaism. Judaism is nothing more than a perverted version of the Old Testament faith. Judaism is no less satanic than Islam as both reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Judaism keeps the Old Covenant and rejects the New Covenant then adds manmade traditions outside God's Word (such as the Talmud). An unsaved Jew will still go to Hell along with an unsaved Gentile. Yet, God has been good as to preserve Israel (and other Arab countries) from total destruction. Israel still stands as a testament to God's promises. Unfortunately, not all the Jews will inherit it in the future as many of them are heading towards the Lake of Fire. The New Jerusalem is only for everybody who has received Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. 

See also: