I'm Told to Go to Mass Again and Let the Priest Help Me

As a former Roman Catholic, I'm told that I'm just "misinformed". They tell me that I should start attending masses all over again and let the priest help me in spiritual matters. Okay, there's nothing wrong with letting the pastor help the person but is the person even helpful? Some Roman Catholics even tell me that I've been misinformed and misled by anti-Catholic Bible believing pastors. What's so disturbing is that they use the terms "Bible-believing" and "born again" to describe misled people. It could also be funny that while they consider themselves Christians but some of them even ask me, "Are you still a Christian or are you a Catholic?"

But the question that I should raise for my former comrades to answer is, "Why do you use the term Bible-believing and born again to describe the deceived? We born again believe that we have to be born from above. We study the Greek and take it into context. If you ask where in the Bible is it that we are called born again then where in the Bible does it say you must become a Roman Catholic or that the disciples were first called Roman Catholics in Acts 11:25-27?". Please take note I'm aware that the Baptist denomination didn't exist until some time later or that the Baptist Bride doctrine is deadly. It's that Christian groups went by different names such as the Bereans and later we have the Baptists and Protestants. When asked with that question some of them don't give a proper answer. While others are kind enough to refer to me to their revised history but others just use mockery and lies in a futile attempt to hide the truth.

Ask the priest to help me in spiritual matters? Shouldn't I first consult with the Bible to see if the advice given to me is biblical? While the pastor is there for consultation as a matured brother in Christ but you should read the Bible first than believe what the pastor says? Reading the Bible was always allowed even before the Protestant Reformation. Nowhere in the Bible is it written that Christians can't read the Bible for themselves. If the Roman Catholic institution gave me the Bible then I always raise the question why was it forbidden to read it for some time? What's so sad is that many Roman Catholics today don't even know the hidden, ugly truth about their religion. Worse, they are stuck in the "Because the priest or the Catholic Church said so." theology. On the other hand I can't use the pastor said so theology but the Bible says so theology. 

What makes the Bible-believing Christian pastor different from the priest is this. The pastor claims zero right to save the soul of the person. Roman Catholic priests claim to provide atonement for souls which isn't biblical. If they were really saving souls then why am I reading one priestly scandal after the other? The Bible-believing Christian pastor follows the guidelines of the Bible in giving advice. The priest inserts their assumptions into the Scripture. If the Roman Catholic institution refuses to take the Bible in context then why should I believe it gave me the Bible? One seeks to give God the glory the other seeks to take the glory while in a poor guise of humility. This is really the difference with the Bible-believing Christian pastor and the Roman Catholic priest. 

See also: