I Have No Reason to Believe That the Roman Catholic Church Gave Me the Bible!

Roman Catholics who try to sway me back to the system tell tend to tell me stuff like, "The Catholic Church gave you the Bible you ungrateful Protestant! Read your history!" Of course, they'll just let me read the revisions done by Catholic historians like they claim Peter to be the first Pope. But I have no reason to believe that the Roman Catholic Church gave me the Bible. The others say, "Well the apostles didn't carry a Bible with them."

I want to say this, "Well the apostles carried copies of Scriptures! Today we have that as the Bible!" In studying church history, the Bible was forbidden by a number of incumbent Popes. Pope Clement IX had even said that reading the Bible causes more harm than good. He's right about that in part as it causes more harm than good for them. When people started reading the Bible, the truth became clear as day that they were misinformed. Today, I hear that Roman Catholics who became born again Christians are the ones "misinformed".

I do agree that Johannes Guttenberg the inventor of the printing press was a Roman Catholic. Then again, a lot of stuff that were invented that we use today were invented by other types of non-Christians. I may be a Baptist Christian through and through but I can't deny that I still use the Gregorian Calendar. I still use the Pythagorean theorem, use the Mendelian principles in studying genetics or that I still believe in the Hippocratic oath. Those are non-religious contributions. 

But one thing was certain, the Dark Ages didn't want the Bible to be spread and it was forbidden to the public. The penalties were stiff that anybody who was responsible for giving a copy of the Bible were criminalized by the Spanish Inquisition. It's been that "dirty little secret" that was leaked out and it's "bad for publicity" that it made that Pope John Paul II "apologize" during the Day of Pardon Mass. As of recent, Pope Francis also did the same in asking for "sorry" for the crimes of the Inquisition but again, I wonder how much of the truth has been told like the Jesuit murders? I have no reason to believe that Rome who banned the Bible also gave us the Bible.

After I got saved, nothing was more scary but at the same not all too surprising for me when I read the history of the Protestant Reformation. Even some secular encyclopedias couldn't deny the atrocities of the Roman Catholic institution and the dreaded Spanish Inquisition. I've read how William Tyndale was executed for simply translating the Bible. Martin Luther had to hide himself for some time to translate the Bible into German. When the Bibles were launched during the Reformation, the Counter-Reformation was formed with the Council of Trent, the efforts of Charles Borromeo or the formation of the Jesuit Order by Ignatius of Loyola. Fortunately, Loyola's former schoolmate at the University of Paris, John Calvin launched the Reformed Theology movement to counter the Jesuits.

One thing I can be thankful for is the blood of the martyrs. I can't take the Bible for granted because how many people risked their necks and bodies to write it. Tyndale was burned at the stake. Luther lived a hard life because he translated the Bible into German. Many of the Calvinist scholars who translated the Authorized Version of 1611 were assassinated by the Jesuits. If the Catholic Church gave us the Bible, why kill those who read it? It's just contradictory and those fools don't realize that they're trying to seal away the Word of God but it can't be sealed! God's Word is NOT bound!