I'd Like to Point This Out to Militant Atheism's Double Standard!

From Veterans to Christ, here's a picture that I'd love to show to atheists who say that I'm being rude to tell them about Jesus and that God is real. They say that I'm trying to "shove the Bible down their throats" and that I'm supposedly "forcing them to believe" even when I'm just stating the facts. It's like accusing the doctor of forcing you to receive treatment even when the doctor is simply warning you about your condition and won't force you to get treatment unless you're willing to cooperate. 

I'd like to tell the atheists so if it's rude for me to tell them about Jesus then why is it okay for them to exercise their abusive behavior? Why is it okay for them not to listen to my side of the story for evidence of creation granting more chances for supposed "proof" of evolution? This shows that these militant atheism's double standard. While they wanted to lie that the whole Scopes Monkey Trial was a persecution against evolution in the movie "Inherit the Wind" but it was the opposite. Today, we have classrooms that demand evolution be taught as fact even if there's no real evidence. 

Don't tell me it wasn't rude for militant atheist tyrants like Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and Joseph Stalin to intrude the privacy of people who have done nothing but practice religion? From Christians to all who they deemed as non-atheists or Christians they showed no proper decency. If it was wrong for Adolph Hitler to persecute Jews (and militant atheists love to use him as an example of why Christianity is evil) then what makes it any different then if a mad atheist tyrant massacres people for simply not being atheists?

So much for telling me to be "tolerant" because I don't see militant atheism to be as tolerant as it thinks itself to be. On the contrary, if they were really scientific why do they reject any creationist's view of science choosing to use Ad Hominem attacks to "win"? If they really believed in thinking for themselves then why are they so bound to the whims of these godless scientists who twist the truth about creationism in favor for atheistic evolution? In short, it's all about double standard on the part of the militant atheist.