I Dread the Apostasy Pandemic More Than the Coronavirus Pandemic

As Holy Week starts this Palm Sunday, I decided to think about how Palm Sunday quickly took a U-turn on Good Friday. Charles H. Spurgeon's sermon "The Voice of the Cholera" also records these famous words:
This dreaded cholera is but a gentle blow from His hand, but if it be not felt, and its lesson be not learnt, there may come instead of this a pestilence which may reap the multitude as corn is reaped with the sickle; or He may permit us to be ravaged by a pestilence worse than the plague; I mean the pestilence of deadly, soul-destroying error. He may remove the candle of His gospel out of its place, and may take away the bread of life from those who have despised it, and then, O great city! thy doom is sealed!

It's true that Coronavirus is a dreaded issue. Spurgeon also experienced the cholera outbreak in 1854 in his day and age. I'm just sad to think that, for some reason, God chose not to allow certain areas to be spared and church services to be canceled. Yet, there's one comfort that the Church is still one. We have the Church (the Body of Christ) and the churches that make it up. Christians are organizationally divided yet spiritually united. The true head is Christ. Peter in no shape or form could be the first Pope. Peter never regarded himself as such. For some reason that I can't fathom - God allowed Spurgeon's area to be exempted. Spurgeon had no Internet back then. Not much of the world knew his sermons. Today, we've got online services. Back then, they were all limited to whatever technology was granted in the late 1800s.

Spurgeon's greatest fear wasn't cholera. My greatest fear, for now, isn't the Coronavirus. I'd be lying to say I don't fear it like I fear to hurt myself. A healthy kind of fear is needed such as that you respect safety rules. I fear the Coronavirus but my greater fear has to be that the deadly soul-destroying error. The soul-destroying error is an epidemic of greater epic proportions and it's spreading faster than cholera back in Spurgeon's day or the Coronavirus in the present day. It's the fear that apostasy is indeed hitting at a much greater speed and it's far more contagious.

Coronavirus won't necessarily take you to Hell. Consider that some of the dear ones in Christ have died of it. The Lord has taken home some fine Christian workers who died in the Coronavirus. The only time the Coronavirus will take anyone to Hell is if that person dies without Christ. Apostasy, however, will take you to Hell. Apostasy itself is nothing but false conversions. The plague that I see right now are churches that don't take God's Word seriously. Many of them teach many heresies such as Arminianism and Antinomianism. There are so many people today who either trust in their good works for salvation as much as those who believe in a changeless Christianity. Both are apostasies that have been long worldwide pandemics for some time.

It's something to think about how disappointing it is when I'm meeting Christian circles fall apart. I was reminded of the great compromise that has happened in several Baptist and other Protestant churches. Here are some observations that I've made to prove that apostasy has spread way faster than any epidemic before or whatever may come after the Coronavirus:
  • One can consider the deadly pandemic of Jack Hyles' easy Christianity (or easy believism) which mutated itself even further. I remembered getting into a longwinded argument with a Hyles apologist who said that it's possible to be saved without a change. Where do you read that in Scripture? He calls Calvinistic preachers as "Jesuit coadjutors" and dismissed Charles H. Spurgeon as a Freemason. 
  • Consider how some of them have the pandemic of ecumenism. Consider how Franklin Graham is anti-homosexuality yet he supports a bastion full of homosexual Pharisees. The late Billy Graham may have led crusades that won others to Jesus but he was proven to be a friend of the Jesuits. Don Moen even sang for the Pope. 
  • You also have churches that would rather have a Sunday morning concert than a worship service. This is what Spurgeon and A.W. Tozer warned about the rise of entertainment-driven churches. 

The deadly pandemic of apostasy is spreading way faster than the Coronavirus, my friends! It's going to take more people to Hell than any epidemic will!

See also: