I'm Getting Tired of the Selective Outrage of Feminists

I'm getting tired of feminist brats and their selective outrage day in and day out. So often, some women tend to think of themselves as feminists because they believe in women's rights. But there is a thin line between female sexists and upholders of women's rights. I don't believe that it's okay for any husband to hit one's wife. But it's also never okay for a wife to hit one's husband. 

I'd like to talk about feminism's selective outrage and how outrageous it is. I can observe the following instances of the selectivity of feminism:
  • They complain whenever a man hits a woman but always conveniently ignore it when a woman hits a man.
  • A woman who hits her husband out of frustration because the latter had an extramarital affair is laughed at. All the while, they defend homewrecking whores because for them becoming a housewife is a form of parasitism - at least for those brats anyway. While it does not justify the married woman's use of violence to answer her husband's infidelity but it does not also mean that those feminists should not show any empathy for her situation. 
  • Many times, they tend to defend the husband's paramour over the housewife whose rights were truly violated. Should that be any surprising considering that you have some of them defending the right to an extramarital affair? 

A real man does not hit a woman. A real woman should also never hit a man. That is the rule unless if it was called for self-defense. A man who is in danger of a female crook has the right to hit a woman in that situation as much as a woman who is in danger of a male crook. If a woman hits a man it is just as wrong as a man hitting her. 

So why is it that when a man hits a woman that it spreads faster than the other way around? I guess it is because of the norm that a man should never hit a woman. That norm is misused and abused by feminists to justify hitting men. It doesn't matter who is stronger or weaker. The rule is you never hurt anyone except in an act of self-defense from physical harm. It does not matter much who does the act of violence. An act of violence is still an act of violence regardless.

It is good to raise the awareness of battered wives but should not society also cater to battered husbands too or anyone battered in general? It should be raising awareness for victims of all forms of battering. Whether it is a man or a woman a victim of battering should be treated as a victim of battering. 

See also: