A Huge Piece of My Mind on Modern Feminism

Feminism is often a word that has been mistaken to be fighting for women's rights. Before you start saying that I'm a "sexist pig" or male chauvinist please hear me out. The whole problem of "equality" these days it doesn't cater people according to their needs. Every son must submit to his mother and every wife must submit to her husband and all this must be a loving submission. 

Here's what Dr. Matthew Henry said about the woman:
The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.

Does that sound sexist? I don't find it sexist. The Bible is not a sexist book. The same Bible that tells wives to submit to their husbands also discourages spousal abuse of any kind. If it's wrong for a man to hit a woman then it's also wrong for a woman to hit a man. Any form of spousal abuse is wrong. The problem is that while feminists claim to be for women's rights but all they want is dominance over the man. This problem started at the Garden of Eden when Eve misled her husband Adam to sin. Not that Adam had the right to blame Eve though because God placed the man not the woman in charge in the Garden of Eden.

Women should have their rights and not just men. Every woman has the right to refuse her husband if she's told to do something contrary to God's Word. Every woman has the right to complain if her husband beats her up. Women should be given the right to vote and drive. Women getting their licenses can be helpful like picking up the children in school and going to the grocery would be easy. Women should also be allowed to vote because men can also make awful choices. The Bible also has example of female leaders like Deborah and Esther. Deborah was a female judge of Israel and she did what she had to do because Barak was afraid. Esther placed herself at risk when Mordecai felt powerless when Haman wrote his decree. God uses women of power and there's no doubt about that. 

Unfortunately, many women today overstep their rights. If husbands overstep their rights by beating up the wife then the opposite is also very true. What's even crazier is that according to the New World Encyclopedia's article on Athaliah, this is also said about her:
However, recent scholarship in the feminist tradition views her as a victim of male chauvinism and a promoter of religious tolerance, who was no more ruthless as a ruler than her "good" male counterparts.

Was Athaliah really a victim of male chauvinism and promoter of religious tolerance? Who are those feminists trying to kid? She desecrated the Jewish Temple to promote her mother's version of Baal worship. She was a rebellious wife who may have never submitted to Jehoram. I can't imagine how Jehoram's life must have been with a wicked wife like Athaliah. She's not a victim of male chauvinism but of her own evil. There's no justification in what she did to murder what was left of David's family. She murdered her own grandsons just to secure her throne and try to put an end to the Davidic dynasty. Any grandmother with a sound mind would find such a wicked grandmother to be worthy of death. Jehoiada was right to have such a wicked woman executed. I guess Athaliah's death may also be a reason why some feminists are against the death penalty. 

Some feminists may claim to be Christians but think submitting to one's husband is abuse. This is stupid because if a wicked woman like Jezebel could submit to her husband Ahab or if a wicked woman like Hillary Clinton could stay married to her husband then why aren't these "Christian" women submitting to their husbands? Remember the Bible commands women to submit to their husbands (Ephesians 5:22-24) and the same chapter says that husbands must love their wives. It's amazing how much trouble happens when the Bible is taken out of context. Likewise, some atheist feminists also raise the Bible to be a book that abuses women all because they fail to read in between the lines. The Bible doesn't condone to any form of abuse whether the victim is male or female. They just keep misquoting the Old Testament to portray God the Father as a monster when in fact, every act that He ordered to wipe out civilizations was to put an end to wicked civilizations. 

Claiming feminism is all about choice is also a huge lie. If it's all about choice why condemn women who choose to be loving housewives and mothers? Remember they said that they must have "complete tolerance". One big problem is that complete tolerance is just a huge lie. If you must love good then you must hate evil. If you love what's evil then hating what's good is the natural response. If you love the truth then you will hate lies. When it comes to good and evil you can't have both. You must learn to live with only good or evil. That's the problem of the feminists is that while they claim to be pro-choice but they don't respect the choice of women who adhere to traditional Christian values. If they are truly pro-choice then why hate women who choose to be mothers and housewives rather than those women who choose to follow the confused path of the feminist? 

If you think feminism had stabilized society it's done the opposite. Not that I would say that male chauvinists are doing society well. The problem of feminism is that it's not about justice but revenge. I don't deny that men can be very abusive towards women. If they want real abuse then why not have real outrage for the Middle East where women are still regarded as "lower class" rather than regarded as people who should be treated with love and respect? Why would some feminists still want an end to Islamophobia never mind Islam is a religion that disrespects women's rights by allowing a man to have one wife and three concubines (and Muhammad had 18 known concubines after he remarried when his first wife Khadijah died) and would even condone to wife-beating? What a self-contradictory movement feminism will and will always be.