I'm Done With John Gill's Exposition of the Old Testament, I'm Now Reading Gill's Exposition on Matthew
I was done with reading John Gill's exposition of the Old Testament a few days ago. The Old Testament exposition was meaningful. Learning about the purpose of the ceremonial law was meaningful such as why God forbade the eating of certain meats. It was indeed set for health reasons to avoid eating anything labeled as unclean especially if one is in the Middle East. I can't get over the exposition of the prophets and I admit it wasn't easy reading through a long exposition.
Based on my experience, reading an entire exposition is much heavier than reading through any of the Reformed theology books I've been reading. It's much longer than reading through the several books by John F. MacArthur and R.C. Sproul. There are times I could read several chapters a day but some of the expositions require reflection of one chapter a day. Some of these chapters are very long. It's no wonder you can't contain Gill's exposition of the whole Bible in just one book.
How as Gill's commentary helped me in my study of the Bible? It helps me understand through important tenses and idiomatic expressions of the Bible. It's all part of learning to study exegesis and know how expository preaching helps the pulpit. It also helps see why so many people hate taking the Bible into context. So far, I may slow down with reading the commentary to allow more time to digest such wonderful truth. It's not easy to open such a wonderful exposition as I feel like I'm now drinking water from a fire hydrant.