I'm Preparing to Read John Gill's Extensive Commentary on Psalm 119
One incredibly difficult task in reading through John Gill's commentary would be Psalm 119. It's the longest chapter in the Bible and it's also located in the longest book of the Bible. Doing an exposition on the longest book of the Bible should slow any good expositor down. I don't know how many sermons any expository preacher would have dedicated to Psalm 119 compared to other chapters of the Bible.
My latest challenge right now is trying to read through a very long exposition of John Gill's commentary. This would mean reading one to portions a day in contrast to reading 2-3 chapters of the wonderful commentary. By God's grace I will accomplish this task.
My latest challenge right now is trying to read through a very long exposition of John Gill's commentary. This would mean reading one to portions a day in contrast to reading 2-3 chapters of the wonderful commentary. By God's grace I will accomplish this task.
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