I Feel the Need to Grab a Copy of John F. MacArthur's Book "None Other"

After I dropped Independent Fundamental Baptist or IFB theology and some crazy site that made me a paranoid, I decided to check John F. MacArthur out. I read "Fool's Gold" and checked out his sermons finding out me and him had more in common than the easy believism crowd. I had no idea I wasn't an easy believist because I always rejected the idea Christians can live like the rest of the world. I read a lot of MacArthur books which made me shift from IFB theology to Reformed Theology. When I heard he was releasing another book called "None Other", I feel that I must grab that book. 

I remembered how I had a changed mind towards MacArthur because I found out me and him agreed on what true conversion really was. I always had no problem with "Lord and Savior" and the more I read his misquoted statements the more I realize that something was wrong because I was agreeing with him. I'm glad that I decided to stop relying on a lot of IFB sites because they have a watered down view of repentance which leads to multiple false conversions. Even the site Repentance Blacklist has a very distorted view of repentance. It even attacked Charles H. Spurgeon the prince of preachers. I first read through "Fool's Gold" which was my very first MacArthur book followed by The Jesus You Cannot Ignore, The Gospel According to Jesus, Slave, Hard to Believe and Worship: The Ultimate Priority. I still want to get Charismatic Chaos and Strange Fire as I proceed to have a deeper understanding of the charismatic movement's heresies. 

I just listened to some of the daily broadcasts by Ligonier and MacArthur was a guest speaker. I prefer to listen to Ligonier's apologetics program in contrast to Grace To You's teaching series even if I'm a Baptist. Just listening to MacArthur's details of the new book makes me want to say, "I need that book." I want to know God deeper. I've read "Worship: The Ultimate Priority" but now I want this newest book after I listened to him as a guest speaker at Ligonier some time ago.