My Response to Some Roman Catholics Who Lump Born Again Christian Pastors with Burn Again "Christian" Pastors

One is a born again pastor, the other is a burn again pastor... 
One of the dirtiest tactic used by Roman Catholics to discredit born again Christianity is to lump born again Christian pastors with those the call as "burn again". Another derogatory term is the word "buang again". Buang means the person is out of one's mind. Some Roman Catholics have even created a Facebook page called "Buang Again". The purpose of the page "Buang Again" is to demean born again Christians.

All the while, they're confusing born again Christian pastors from those who really deserve to be called buang again. Since when did those crooked pastors who are cult leaders ever been really born again? The answer is never. They were never born again Christians. They pretend to be born again but they're not really born again. I may go ahead and call these crooked pastors as "burn again" but they're not born again. The page Buang Again has had several misrepresentations of what it means to be a born again Christian. They have made fun of the biblical baptism by immersion, they have said that all born again Christian worship services are a concert via hasty generalization or the fallacy of division, they have lumped the Protestant Reformers with the so-called last messengers and they have continued to make more and more false accusations to suit their needs.

I'd like to address the issue with Billy Graham and the Pope. The Vatican has been associated with other burn again "Christian" pastors like Rick Warren, Benny Hinn and Joel Osteen. The page "Buang Again" vilifies Billy Graham who ironically praised the Pope in more than one occasion. Did you know that according to "Christian" Broadcasting Network that Billy Graham had called Pope John Paul II the most influential voice in years?

The founders of the page may have assumed that Graham himself is the founder of the born again Christian religion in the 70s while lying their church was founded on 33 A.D. with Peter as the first Pope. If Graham was indeed the founder of born again Christianity as they claimed and the late John Paul II called the former his brother, then they should embrace born again Christians as their brothers and sisters in Christ. Ironic that they support Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Pope Francis who also has close ties with Rick Warren. Trinity Broadcasting Network is also an ecumenical network. Don Moen sang for Pope Francis. Yet they continue to deny to death that the three Popes I've just mentioned have been embracing apostate Protestants as their brothers and sisters in Christ.

Priest save souls? Then they better explain
all the cover ups!
What's more hypocritical is their attitude that they sensationalize everything that burn again "Christian" pastors do wrong but hide the sins of their priests when they happen. It's not like as if born again Christians aren't attacking or exposing such idiocy. I do agree that there are Evangelical pastors who fall into sin but I'd also say that I don't claim that pastors save souls or that God forgives the sinner through them. On the other hand, the Roman Catholic institution has been hypocritically hiding all the sex scandals involved throughout the years. The whole lie is that there's "much more" scandals in the Evangelical circles than the Roman Catholic circles. I admit there have been scandals here and there. Yet many of the pastors involved in sexual sins belonged to the Pentecostal/Charismatic circles that add many heresies like the so-called "speaking in tongues" and conditional security. 

On the contrary, the Vatican has a lot of filth that's been hidden for centuries. A lot of sex scandals have been swept under the rug. Many have been silenced from ever speaking up that the priest was a child molester or a womanizer. They are quick to point fingers at a pastor who has fallen into sexual sin, they are so ready to throw stones but they themselves have hidden a lot of sexual sins all over the years. What's more of a problem is that the average Roman Catholic is either forced into silence or is kept ignorant about it.The same tactic has been used over and over again to keep people ignorant. Even the Popes weren't so innocent either. While Peter did deny Christ three times but he didn't live a licentious life like many Popes in history. The hypocrisy still amazes me at how some Roman Catholics still keep ignoring all the sex scandals as if they never happened. Before they start lumping the burn again pastors with the born again Christian pastors, they better take out the beam out of their eye first.