Belated Happy 77th Birthday Pastor John F. MacArthur!

Two days ago, I missed it that it was his 77th birthday. I remembered the time I thought he taught "works salvation" until I did a thorough study his article called "An Introduction to Lordship Salvation". I started to read it and found out why the controversy was there to start with. Today people want a soft and easy message. But the Bible is hardly soft. It condemns many who think they're once saved always saved but their lifestyles prove they aren't saved. I really feel bad to why I believed the misrepresentations done against him.

I read Fool's Gold, The Gospel According to Jesus, The Jesus You Can't Ignore, Hard to Believe and recently Worship: The Ultimate Priority. Each book has a lot of meaty discussions that I can't ignore. After I'm done reading one book I just can't resist reading it all over again. Then I want to read another but there's so many of his books that I want to read. The book Worship: The Ultimate Priority somehow takes me to several levels of awe to what the Christian life really is about. "Hard to Believe" is a message that's badly needed because "Easy Christianity" has become a real plague. Reading his books gives me the inspiration to march on even if I'm feeling down and just want to quit. 

When I read more from his ministry site of Grace To You, the more I realize that there's been so much dirt thrown because either people are too lazy or read or things are taken out of context. Although I've remained a staunch King James only-ist and he isn't but I've enjoyed his lectures, books and not to mention expository preaching or verse by verse preaching. As of late, he's become my top favorite author for Reformed Baptist literature. Even some non-Calvinist Christians I know still appreciate his hard work in writing many books because even if they disagree with him on election, they still agree with him on true and false conversion.