I Don't Think I'd Be Any Less Angry Than Paul Washer Here!

I've seen this video of Paul Washer's preaching so many times. I always felt, "God give me the grace to be as angry as he is!" Why is he angry? How often is it that worldly prosperity is taught over the Gospel according to Jesus? After reading "Hard to Believe" by John F. MacArthur and watching "Hell's Best Kept Secret", it's no secret that my anger against the "Easy Christianity" crowd hasn't quieted down. Do you think that I'm any less angry daily? No. Time has only made me angrier against those idiots who continue to teach "Easy Christianity", "Prosperity Christianity" or any perversions because salvation doesn't keep people stagnant nor is good works necessary to keep salvation! True faith is not dead. Faith without works is dead. If you're saved good works will be the evidence not the root of earning salvation or maintaining it. It's if you're saved you're going to persevere as evidence of true conversion.

I'm even more furious than I am before because those clowns are giving false converts assurance rather than confront them about the possibility of them being false converts. They might as well be false converts themselves because any pastor who teaches the grace of God can keep a person stagnant, implies or directly teaches it's a license to sin is not of God. Any preacher who tries to attack the doctrine that salvation results to a changed life is not of God. It really annoys me how these fools say, "You some kind of fruit inspector?" Yes I am in a sense because a good tree can't bear bad fruit and a bad tree can't bear good fruit. There's a difference between useless branches and branches. You need to judge them because there's always the danger that somebody is a false convert and needs to be confronted.

I even want to say this that false preachers of the "Easy Christianity" movement are indeed God's judgment for people who want salvation but not salvation from sin. It's foolish to believe that salvation is a license to sin. No, salvation is liberation from the power of sin and the eternal consequence of sin but it doesn't liberate you from the temporal consequences of sin. No true Christian could even think that salvation is a license to sin. Only fake converts think like that and even if it's expected, I'm still that furious at such idiocy.