Did This Blog as a Non-Calvinist, Became Reformed During the Pandemic
Sadly, the Internet speed hasn't been back to normal. I may blog here until I can post in WordPress again. It gets annoying because my WordPress site is reaching different places. However, I'd like to look back at some important lessons. I was more or less that "rank Arminian". I would've preferred to stay in that "Arminian" view. Paul David Washer said, "Calvinism is not the issue!" It's all about the doctrine of regeneration . That's why I stayed at Cebu Bible Baptist Church for some time. The church was still critical of people who claimed to be saved but behaved otherwise. Cebu Bible Baptist Church is still strong in upholding the doctrine of regeneration. Charles H. Spurgeon is a preacher admired by both non-Calvinists and Calvinists alike. Some say that we can respect preachers like Spurgeon, the Reformers, etc. However, they are just men . Calvin was just a man. Spurgeon mentioned this and I believe several fundamentalists know...