
Did This Blog as a Non-Calvinist, Became Reformed During the Pandemic

Sadly, the Internet speed hasn't been back to normal. I may blog here until I can post in WordPress again. It gets annoying because my WordPress site  is reaching different places. However, I'd like to look back at some important lessons. I was more or less that "rank Arminian". I would've preferred to stay in that "Arminian" view. Paul David Washer said, "Calvinism is not the issue!" It's all about the doctrine of regeneration . That's why I stayed at Cebu Bible Baptist Church for some time. The church was still critical of people who claimed to be saved but behaved otherwise. Cebu Bible Baptist Church is still strong in upholding the doctrine of regeneration.  Charles H. Spurgeon is a preacher admired by both non-Calvinists and Calvinists alike. Some say that we can respect preachers like Spurgeon, the Reformers, etc. However, they are just men . Calvin was just a man. Spurgeon mentioned this and I believe several fundamentalists know...

My Thoughts on Pope Francis' Health and the Malachy Prophecies

  I wanted to blog about Pope Francis' health condition. However, the Internet speed has slowed down presumably due to ongoing repairs. WordPress requires faster Internet speed than Blogger. That's why I decided to write here (for now). Hopefully, I'll be able to go back to WordPress when the speed is back. The 88-year-old Pope Francis has been diagnosed with pneumonia . I lost a mid-80s relative to pneumonia.  This reminds me of the sensationalism I got engaged in. It's basically eschatomania. I remember thinking that Pope John Paul II's successor would be the False Prophet. However, Benedict XVI ruled for more than two years, before retiring due to health reasons. Benedict XVI would be too sick to play the role of the False Prophet. Some speculated that Pope Francis may be Petrus Romanus. This is all based on the Malachy Prophecies -- not a very reliable tool for studying Revelation ! Malachy is known today for a set of prophecies, purportedly written by him in 1...

WordPress Might Be Getting Disappointing... and More Stuff!

After many years of struggling between Fundamentalism and Reformed, I became Reformed during the pandemic. I opened a WordPress blog. However, WordPress turns out to be extremely heavy. It requires faster Internet speed and customizing to new themes is harder than usual. I was wondering if I should create a new blog on Blogger while leaving the WordPress blog up or not? WordPress couldn't operate on slower speeds compared to Blogger. I wanted to blog on 88-year-old Pope Francis' health condition. I don't want to engage in eschatomania like I used to. I speculated on, "Will the next Pope be the last?" I engaged in that behavior when I was in college (and Pope John Paul II was still the Pope at that time). Benedict XVI was speculated to be the final Pope but soon retired due to health reasons. Some speculated Pope Francis is Petrus Romanus because of his Italian origin. Pope Francis might be considered overstaying because 80 isn't easy to reach. People in his ti...

I Believe That the Anti-Vaccine Movement is Motivated by the LOVE of Money

I don't want to deny that there are doctors and hospitals, who only want profits than to help others in need. However, the whole video "Plandemic" is nothing more than a scam. I even remembered how Andrew Wakefield made a name for himself in a fraudulent study where he linked vaccines to autism. It was proven wrong and Wakefield got his license removed. However, that didn't stop the anti-vaccine movement from making him a hero for their cause. Yet, Wakefield (from what I heard) is known for his love for money and fame. Wakefield apparently charges huge bucks to speak at events. This made me think that the anti-vaccine movement is motivated by the love of money (1 Timothy 6:10). Why do I want to link the movement to the love of money? Some people in the medical industry are guilty of profiteering. Some doctors and nurses are into their jobs not because they want to help people but to profiteer from their patients. Conspiracy theories also make a huge lot of money. For ...

My Memory of 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

I remembered 9/11 or the fall of the World Trade Center (WTC) happened 20 years ago. The death of Osama bin Ladin happened 10 years ago. Now, I think about how I got engrossed in conspiracy theories from reading Chick Publications, Jesus-is-Savior, and Conspiracy Planet to name a few of the many. 9/11 was certainly a big event that shook the world. The genocide caused by two suicide bombers and the deaths caused by those trapped in the building was no joke. Then it invited discussion for conspiracy theorists (such as Cutting Edge Ministries and End Times Updates) to discuss about it. Not surprisingly, many of them supported the "testimony" of the late Alberto R. Rivera as a genuine man of God. Back then, I still supported Rivera as a hero of the faith and dismissed any accusation against him as "Jesuit-manufactured". I could remember the time when I was trapped in the nightmare world of Chick Publications. The "Alberto" comic book series was very fascinati...

Thank God, I'm Already O-U-T, OUT, of Conspiracy Theories

I remembered a few years after I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior - I got into a Christian bookstore. There was some excitement. Before I got saved, I was able to read the "Alberto" series (in which the late Alberto R. Rivera was really a fraud ). I used to believe the "Alberto" series with all its creative artistic licenses (such as certain scenes in "Double Cross". I didn't use my critical thinking cap and thought of Chick Publications as a reliable source. Unfortunately, most people didn't see that Chick Publications is toxic . The late Roy Livesey was right to criticize Chick Publications as a huge obstacle in soulwinning. Too many Roman Catholics are too angry to listen especially if you show them the "Alberto" comics. There's bound to be more defensiveness by a Roman Catholic with the "Alberto" comics than they would if you shared to them "Catholicism: Crisis of Faith" and "Truth Encounter...

Recalling My Failures of Faith in My Younger Christian Years

One of the doctrinal footnotes that I'm stuck in with the KJV Study Bible is "Failure of Faith". Failure of faith isn't only experienced by unbelievers but also by believers. How are these failures of faith listed by the footnote? Here they are: Failure to accept the work of Christ or God's will in one's life (Mark 16:11-14) Little faith which is faith and unbelief mixed (Mark 7:26) Weak faith or expressing it as mere legalism (Romans 14:1) These are all in contrast to strong faith or to be rooted in the promises of God. I was thinking about how those three areas are where I'm guilty. I tend to lapse to them (more often than not) and I recall how often my faith was failing especially in my teenage years and adult years. It also drives me to have conflicting desires (such as having romantic interests with an unbeliever in a Christian school) or when I want to forgive someone yet I also want to get even with that person at the same time. I was thinking of ho...