Now, I'm Further Struggling with King James Onlyism
The idea of King James Onlyism is a very difficult topic to deal with. Some have claimed that other versions like the widely-used New International Version (NIV) are supposedly perverted, uninspired, and have purposely clipped out several words and verses that can't be found there. Ever noticed that there are 17 missing verses in the New Testament which some modern versions usually put as footnotes or marginal notes? That's been one reason why I went from reading the New International Version to the King James Version (KJV).
However, opponents of KJV do have valid questions. Note that they don't necessarily deny that the KJV is an excellent translation. Just that they don't consider it to be the only translation to be used. The most valid question which I admit I do fail to answer is, "Where was the Word of God before 1611?" My favorite answer is, "It's always been there before the KJV came out! I can trust the King James translation better because of their diligence to make sure they translated from the right manuscripts." Others also have valid concerns such as language changes over time. Personally, I'd want to have a KJV written without the use of obsolete pronouns and the use of modern English at this moment.
Now, it's time to consider why I'm thinking about my on/off stance with KJV Only. I admit that I started off with the NIV but later switched to the KJV due to comparisons. Unfortunately, that pastor who defended the KJV-only stance is quarreling with pastors who don't use the KJV. Even some KJV-only pastors feel it's not right to do so. Some of the great preachers weren't KJV-Only such as Charles H. Spurgeon. Vernon McGee's commentary doesn't support KJV-Only. Also, I can also embrace a non KJV-Only Christian as a brother or sister in Christ. However, I do still feel that KJV-Only simplifies Bible studies than to have a multitude of translations.
This has me thinking. Can I still be a moderate KJV-Onlyist or should I drop it entirely? Meanwhile, I do think I'd probably spend time reading articles on "King James Onlyism" by for the meantime. Until then, I'm probably still a moderate KJV-Only guy who embraces non-KJV brothers and sisters in Christ.