I Decided To Stop Reading Pulpit & Pen Just Like I Did With Jesus-Is-Savior

It seems to be that the website known as Pulpit & Pen is no different than Jesus-is-Savior. If Jesus-is-Savior has David J. Stewart (who's probably released on parole) then another person to probably watch out for is J.D. Hall who seems to be no better than Stewart. While Hall hasn't been heard of any similar charges like Stewart or teaching watered-down repentance - what he's doing isn't really doing anything good. How is Hall no different than Stewart? Both of these guys may have contrasting definitions of repentance (and Hall does shoot Stewart's easy-believism) but both of them seem to believe that being cheesy and offensive is the best way to reach the lost. It's safe to say that Hall has no right to criticize Stewart if he's doing something just as wrong!

It's amazing how Hall himself also displays a certain level of arrogance similar to Reformation.org's nutjob Patrick Scrivener. Scrivener has been posting rather inaccurate information (such as the vaccination scare), nonsense fairytales (such as demons and humans having children), and conspiracy theories that don't edify the body. Unfortunately, Hall himself to like Stewart and Scrivener is no less guilty of having such. Hall and Seth Dunn even dare to call their site as "the most trusted source for news and polemics" - the same way Scrivener brags how timely and accurate his site is. As said, if it's too good to be true - don't believe it! The same goes for Pulpit & Pen with its claim that they're supposedly the most trusted source of news and polemics. I used to fall for such claims but thanks to God I've become more discerning.

Right now, I do want to believe both Hall and Dunn are both saved. Unfortunately, they need to really be careful about their behavior as it can cause serious damage to the Body of Christ. Some Christians may make the mistake of being too nice and soft. Some Christians may make the mistake of thinking the best way to reach the lost is to be cheesy and offensive as possible (like I did). Both approaches are just equally misguided!